Aristotle App - An app to supplement the Utopian Translation Teamwork


New Project - Aristotle App

What is the project about?

Aristotle App was created to help the translation teams of @utopian-io have a more uniformed and centralised method to keep track of their progress and tasks. Some of the teams are using spreadsheets to manage their work, but if such spreadsheets are not properly managed, they can become a burden instead of a help (I know as I'm part of the Greek Translations Team).


This webapp, which is currently under heavy development, aims to make everything easier. At the current state, the app can handle project assignments and task requests (which were the 2 features I wanted to have immediately available for our team).

There is also basic SteemConnect integration (login and check, and in the future we are going to have a posting interface as well) and user listing. It is not intended to replace the current communication method between Translators and Moderators, but supplement it.


The app was originally started to help our team's Steemit community account, but I've decided to release the source to the public, to be used by the other teams as well.

The current interface is a very basic Bootstrap template, that will be modified in the future.

Technology Stack

The app is currently using:

  • PHP (7.1+ recommended)
  • MySQL (5.0+ recommended)
  • Javascript
  • CURL

It is recommended to run this app on a VPS or a Dedicated server, not on a shared hosting account.

The project is not using any frameworks (such as Laravel).

Future features will require other technologies as well.


There are a lot of things to be done for this project before it is consider half-way complete. The currently planned features are:

  • List of past contributions
  • Automatic contribution/review insertion to Aristotle App's database
  • Check if the contribution/review has been upvoted by @utopian-io and the translation trails (@davinci.witness and
  • Moderator Availability Schedule, so translators can coordinate their activities to this
  • Review comment generation that will be used with @utopian-io's review form and the Moderator's personal comment to show detailed information about the translator's past contribution (the exact details are under consideration)
  • Contribution posting interface, with the correct beneficiaries added in order to support the next feature in this list...
  • (OPTIONAL) LM Fund, if Translators want to say an extra "Thank you" to their Moderator
  • Stats generation (with graphs and other stuff) for #iamutopian contributions
  • Discord Notifications for task replies, reviews and project assignments
  • Better-looking interface

This list may/will change regularly

How to contribute?

You can find me on Utopian's discord if you want to talk. You can also open a pull request on github if you have something to add/fix.

Before opening a pull request, please have a look on the project's

GitHub Account

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