Utopian: Now 800K SP - Github + Utopian Ready - CROWDSOURCE And MUCH More!

Utopian.io is the only platform rewarding Open Source contributors with Steem. What I am writing now is a new code contribution I made for Utopian.io that is actually a bunch of MEGA updates.

Now Utopian.io is integrated with Github connect and project owners can take ownership of their projects and post ANNOUNCEMENTS. Keep reading to see what they are and the ground-breaking change they bring to the platform.


Github Connect + Announcements

Project owners can now connect their Github account with Utopian. You will find the following Your Projects box on the right (only desktop for now, clean up your caches to see the updates).

From the Your Projects box Click on Synch with Github.

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Proceed to Github, authorise Utopian and you will be brought back to the platform for the final sync with Github.


Once done you will see your owned repositories on the box Your Projects on the right of the screen.

Click on the project you want to write an announcement for or click directly on Add announcement.

This is what you will see.

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What is An Announcement in Utopian?

Excerpt directly from the Utopian Rules:

Announcements are meant to be tasks requests made by the project owner when looking for contributions. A task must be explained in great details and provide all the necessary details for the task to be actually completed. In one announcement there should not be more than one task and if more they must be related to the category where the announcement is being submitted. Generic announcements, like "We are looking for contributors" won't be accepted. Moderators may request to change an announcement if it does not meet the rules.

Do You See The Power?

In Utopian You Can Now CrowdSource!

Yeah! Now as a project owner you can manage your repositories and ask contributors for tasks that you need to get done. They will be more than happy to help you out because by doing so they get rewarded by you...by the community around Utopian and by the Utopian Bot powered by 800K SP.

What Are You Looking For?, Thinkers, Developers, Bug Hunters, Translators, Designers, Tech Writers, Data Analysts, Influencers? Utopian gives you the way to find them all to fast forward your Open Source project.

Once you submit an announcement, moderators will review it and will appear in the announcements tab under your project page.

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A HUGE Thank You to @Freedom

@freedom has just doubled up the power delegation for Utopian.io bringing it at 800K SP!!

But I Did More!

Now you can use the top search bar in Utopian to search for Projects and for Contributions in each Utopian category.

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You can now also see projects owned by other users by going to their profile page. Example @elear/projects.

See the changes https://github.com/utopian-io

What's next?

This is the first step I made for a full integration with Github that will allow project owners to transparently integrate their Utopian and Github experiences for the maximum results.

A Special Thanks to The Sponsors

@xeldal -> Vote for witness
@furion-> Vote for witness
@jerrybanfield -> Vote for witness
@netuoso -> Vote for witness
@elear -> me
@sircork-> Vote for witness
@rival -> Vote for witness

A Special Thanks to The Moderators


Are you going to the STEEMFEST?

I'll be there. Lets meet and chat: @elear/i-am-going-to-the-steemfest-guess-why

Who am I?

11 years Senior Software Architect - Javascript Full Stack Developer, focused on ES6, React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, and DevOps.

Follow the official Utopian account: @utopian-io
Follow me on Steemit: @elear
Follow me on Utopian: @elear
Add me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/puccidiego/

Open Source Contribution posted via https://utopian.io

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