(Immagine made by @pab.ink)
This post is published in relation to the @utopian-io & @davinci.polyglot translation project, by a selected Translator for the Italian language
Project details and translation's reason
Node.js is a Javascript runtime. The project title refers to the node word, and indeed Node.js is closely related to this concept. It is a fascinating project and it has a considerable potential.
Below you can read some significant features of Node.js:
- Node.js is open source and takes full advantage of the power of communities to get better over time.
- Node.js relies heavily on the concept of scalability, in fact thanks to this feature it has the ability to generate network applications which also are based on the scalability.
- The concept of "events" in node is implemented and rethought, in fact the old concept used by other event library systems is replaced on Node with the event runtime. This "cycle of events" is activated through the calling process.
- Node.js is also designed to have an interface that makes it easy to use.
- Node distinguishes itself from other similar systems thanks to the absence of operating system threads.
These motivations are a great incentive to translate this project. Briefly I consider interesting two factors: the first one is how Nod.js differs from the majority of similar projects, the second one is its being completely open source. These two characteristics are so relevant that they stimulate me to translate it.
Check out the whole project on Github
Contribution specification
My role as a translator consists in translating the strings I find during my translation work in the most appropriate way, from the English language to the Italian one.
This translation work is divided in two phases:
The first one is the work of simple translation and the second one consists in understanding the contexts and understand what kind of specific words should be translated and which not (for example because they are too technical to be translated).
Translation Overview
This is my fifth post for the Node.js. project
For each post (and the related translations) that I produce I gain more and more knowledge about this project, which is very technical and rich of terms related to the world of computing; for this reason some words should be translated and other words, after a careful research, need to be left in English.
In these 1000 words I have translated two folders:
- Path.md link, this folder concerns the path, a term used in in different contexts, some of them are technicians and other more descriptive. I have also discovered new functions of node.js.
- Perf_hooks.md link, this folder is filled with Perfomance and the timing of the API and the timing related to other computer technicalities.
I found all these new information very interesting and engaging, as they allow me to discover new topics unknown to me until now.
I am, therefore, very grateful for this opportunity (because of some commitments, I had to stop my translation work for a while).
Excerpts of my work
Below I propose some significant strings that help to better understand the work I have done translating these 1000 words:
The Performance Timing API provides an implementation of the W3C Performance Timeline specification. The purpose of the API is to support collection of high resolution performance metrics. This is the same Performance API as implemented in modern Web browsers.
Creates a new PerformanceMark entry in the Performance Timeline. A PerformanceMark is a subclass of PerformanceEntry whose performanceEntry.entryType is always 'mark', and whose performanceEntry.duration is always 0. Performance marks are used to mark specific significant moments in the Performance Timeline.
The path.parse() method returns an object whose properties represent significant elements of the path. Trailing directory separators are ignored, see [path.sep][].
The returned object will have the following properties:
dir {string}
root {string}
base {string}
name {string}
ext {string}
The path.relative() method returns the relative path from from to to based on the current working directory. If from and to each resolve to the same path (after calling path.resolve() on each), a zero-length string is returned.
If a zero-length string is passed as from or to, the current working directory will be used instead of the zero-length strings.
Source language: English
Target language: Italian
To check my previous experiences as a translator you can consult my application
Word count
Words Translated: 1040
Proof of authorship
You can lookup Crowdin project on the following link, as well as the summary of my activities