Promoting Translation Category: 51 Translators & Proofreaders Getting FOSS projects in Crowdin Go Global

Promoting Translation Category: 51 Translators & Proofreaders Getting FOSS projects in Crowdin Go Global

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A. Translation Category Moving in Swift Pace

It has been about 5 weeks since the Translation category opened at As soon as language moderators and translators came on board, 112 contributions had come in with a total of 114,814 words translated. This is an incredible number of hard work done in such a short period of time. The pace is moving incredibly fast that everyday my time is totally consumed in advancing the entire movement in this Utopian-DaVinci collaboration.

The following table shows the kind of work that is being done in the Translation Category. Five weeks ago, there was no activity in this translation category at all. In a blink of an eye, all these great work have been accomplished ever since the Utopian-DaVinci collaboration began on June 7th, 2018. To watch this whole translation category movement firing up is just too awesome for words.


Here, you can see the number of contributions submitted in these 4 weeks. For these contributions, translators can contribute either 250, 500, 750, or 1000+ words or more. The number of words translated is not exactly proportional to the number of contributions submitted, therefore I added on the 3rd column to display the actual number of words translated and proofread by our teams. All the words translated are proof-read by all our moderators.

Translation Bar Graph

From the bar graph, visually you can see that there is a definite increase of work done week by week. The biggest leap is from the 3rd week to the 4th week where we recruited another 5 Language teams to paricipate in the translation work.

In this Blog post, I will highlight how the other 2 Community Managers (@jmromero & @aboutcoolscience) and I worked together to acheive these 2 purposes:

  • To grow this translation teams with qualified translators
  • And how some of these FOSS projects in Crowdin are now able to go global as a result of the work of translations done in the past weeks.

B. Two Successful Recruitments in June and July

How we were able to get so many committed translators to do that volume of work in such a short time? The key is in setting up translation teams by successfully recruiting suitable candidates for translators and moderators roles.

We actually opened 2 windows of recruitment in our plan.


  • 187 candidates applied for 26 different languages and each application was reviewed to see who is suitable for the different languages.
  • In the above table in the 3rd column, the bracket behind the language designates the number of people who applied for that particular language.
  • More applicants came in for the first round of recruitment. The reason is obvious as many people had been waiting for the day for translation to re-open.
  • In the second recruitment, fewer applications came in but they were of more quality. By this time, applicants knew what our expectations and requirements were after seeing the results of the first round of enthusiasts.

Pie Chart of Language Divisions

  • In this pie chart, visually you can see right away tht the language with the most applicants is the Spanish group totalling 33 applicants.
  • Next is the Filipino group with 20 applicants who are still waiting anxiously for the language to open.
  • We do plan to open more windows of recruitment so that we can get more applicants to the other languages.

The fact that there are more applicants for some languages does not mean that the language teams can be formed right away. Numbers is not the criterion to form teams. More importantly, we had to consider the following criteria: readiness of the group, well-qualified committed moderator, and proficiency of translators.

C. 10 Moderators (Proofreaders) + 41 Translators Totally Committed

From the 187 candidates, we set up 10 Language teams with very commmitted professional moderators. 5 qualified translators are now working under the supervision of 1 moderator. The moderator also does the proofreading job for each of these languages.

LanguagesModerators (Proofreaders)Translators
1. Spanish@marugy99@elpoliglota, @samuellmiller, @acrywhif, @michaelizer, @isabella394
2. Greek@ruth-girl@trumpman, @katerinaramm, @lordneroo, @rorogr, @dimitrisp
3. Italian@mcassani@filippocrypto, @imcesca, @viki.veg @silviu93, @robertbira
4. Chinese@sunray@aafeng, @susanli3769, @victory622, @breathewind, @aaronli
5. German@egotheist@laylahsophia, @sooflauschig, @infinitelearning, @supposer
6. Arabic@dr-frankenstein@samhamou, @khaled-dz, @accro, @ismailkah, @mcfarhat
7. Polish@villaincandle@szymciojazda, @zangerek, @j4nke, @koscian, @ribson
8. Vietnamese@carlpei@symonp, @adam.tran, @lantracy, @lecongdoo3, @lenancie
9. Dutch@misslasvegas@minersean
10. Slovenian@fbslo@nedy
Total10 Moderators (Proofreaders)41 Translators

So far, these 10 language teams have been producing high quality translations for different FOSS projects in Crowdin.

D. Promoting Crowdin FOSS Projects Translated & Going Global

At present, our main focus is doing translation work for FOSS projects in Crowdin only. Our vision is to get our translators to work together on the same projects so that these active projects can go international with these 10 languages. Streamlining the work of translators to specific projects to completion has proven to be effective for project owners to promoto their work to the world.

In the past weeks, our teams had been working fearlessly in these 4 FOSS Projects in Crowdin.

FOSS Projects that are going international

1. Promoting Byteball Wiki & Byteball Bots

Byteball is an online wallet that is changing the way we make our transactions. The Byteball bot had been storming the Steemit platform in the last 2 weeks. The developer added new features to the software, particularly in adding email address for receiving payments in the wallet. A bot is set up to attest the user's email address. Easier ways are offered to make transactions through the use of links via the chat box. You can read more in this Github Repository.

In the Byteball Crowdin Page, this project is moving quickly towards finishing from 85% to 100% in the 10 languages. This is a small project as there are only 1714 words to translate. Already, people all over the world are using the Byteball wallet attesting to their Steemit account.

2. Promoting Open Broadcaster Software Studio

OBS Studio is a free open source software for video recording and live streaming.

Written in C and C++, OBS provides real-time source and device capture, scene composition, encoding, recording, and broadcasting. Transmission of data is primarily done via the Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) and can be sent to any RTMP supporting destination, including many presets for streaming websites such as YouTube,, and Facebook.

From the [OBS Studio Crowdin Page](, this software is steadily moving forward with our 10 language teams. This project has a larger volume of words that need to be translated: 6941. The Chinese, German, Spanish and Italian groups have finished the translation of this project to 100%. I see our Chinese group using this fantastic studio already on Steemit.

3. Promoting Steem White Paper

This is an interest to all our Steemit translators as this is the reason why we are all here on Steemit. The white paper explains how this social blogging platform pays its community with its own SMT called STEEM.

On the Crowdin Page, you see all the languages that are participating in this work. The volume of words needed to translate is 12,111. Thanks to the Arabic, Chinese simplified, Italian, Polish and Spanish group, they have completed the translation to 100%. Steemit can now go more global and I see more Chinese participants joining us by the day, especially in the chinese version platform.

4. Promoting Steem White Paper (Genesis)

As the name suggests with the bracket Genesis, this is the original version of the Steem White Paper. The volume of words to translate is quite high: 16,214 words. Only the Spanish and Italian teams have completed the translation to 100%. The other languages are slowly working on this project from scratch. Because of the high volume, it will take a few more weeks before the project can come to completion.

E. Conclusion

These are exciting times for us to watch the growth of grow in all aspects, and especially in the translation category. Not only are these Open Source Projects going international with the translation, but they are also being promoted to get more visibility.

Image: Created by

Are you a professional translator? We are calling out for more translators to join us to get more FOSS Projects in Crowdin to go international. Let's continue to promote Open Source translation via the Utopian-DaVinci collaboration.

Get in touch with me @rosatravels or in the DaVinci Discord server.

F. Blog Series:

#1 Promoting Translation in - Fully alive and Stronger
#2 Promoting Translation in - Growing Translation Teams in Quality
#3 Promoting Translation in - Growing Performance

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