Node.js translation report [3](1037 words)


Project Details:

Project name: Node.js

Crowdin link:

GitHub link:

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that achieves low latency and high throughput by taking a “non-blocking” approach to serving requests. In other words, Node.js wastes no time or resources on waiting for I/O requests to return.
It is designed to build scalable network applications.
Node.js is an open source server environment, as such, it is free to use.
Node.js can be used on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)

If you are interested in more details, take a look at their website where you can find the answer to any question that you might have

Contribution Specifications

Node.js is an open source project, so, everybody is free to help with the translation of the project on Crowdin.
This project was assigned to me by the Italian language mod and I will do my best to provide the best Italian translation so the users can have a truly great experience while using the software in Italian.
This project is a good opportunity for me to learn more about JavaScript and about the world of Node.js and how they work and also to improve my English skills and my general knowledge.
The project is composed of many files and has more than 1 million words waiting for the translation, so if you are in the Davinci team of translators I invite you to give it a try and translate it into your language as well.

Translation Overview

This is my third contribution to this project, and even if at first I had some problems with the translation of some words, now everything is getting easier and the more I translate the more I learn.
This project is a bit more complex than the others because it has a lot of code and technical words in it, but after a bit of practice and if you follow some simple tips you can manage the translation just like for any other project.
The Node.js project is composed of many files, and I started with the file named, this file is made of more than 6 thousand words, and my next contribution will also be about this file.
As I was saying this translation was not very easy, because the project has a lot of technical words, and many words that have no translation in Italian, for this reason, some words have remained unchanged and won't be counted as translated words, (it is a good practice to save those words in a file so you will always know what are the words that you left untranslated so you won't translate them the next time you find them).

Some examples of the strings I've translated

  • This
    situation can only occur on Unix-like systems where only <0>localhost</0> or an empty
    host is supported.

situazione può essere incontrata solo su sistemi di tipo Unix in cui è supportato solo <0>localhost</0> o un host vuoto.

  • The <0>http2stream.sendTrailers()</0> method cannot be called until after the
    <0>'wantTrailers'</0> event is emitted on an <0>Http2Stream</0> object.

Il metodo <0>http2stream.sendTrailers()</0> non può essere chiamato prima che l'evento <0>'wantTrailers'</0> sia stato emesso su un oggetto <0>Http2Stream</0>.

  • An attempt was made to connect a <0>Http2Session</0> object to a <0>net.Socket</0> or
    <0>tls.TLSSocket</0> that had already been bound to another <0>Http2Session</0> object.

È stato effettuato un tentativo di collegare un oggetto <0>Http2Session</0> a un <0>net.Socket</0> o a un <0>tls.TLSSocker</0> che era già stato collegato a un altro oggetto <0>Http2Session</0>.


Source language: English

Target language: Italian

My past experiences as a translator can be verified by checking my application post or my previous translations on my profile.


Clean Words Translated on this contribution: 1037

Translated Words Counted by Crowdin : 1338

Total words translated by me on this project: 4197


You can check my activity on this project by clicking on the following link:

Node.js project activity

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