Logo for Anole Chrome Extension: A Utopian Task Request




Anole is a free productivity extension for Chrome that aims to assist users with all sorts of string transformations via selected text and the clipboard.


Photo of an Actual Anole by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

The first version of the extension provides features to convert any selected string into special case like CamelCase, kebab-case, Start Case, snake_case, and so on. More cases and additional features (e.g. transform templates) will follow.


Screenshot of Anole extension for Chrome in action

At present the developer of Anole, @tdre, is seeking logo and identity graphics to prepare version 1.0.0 for its launch on the Chrome Web Store.

Components Required

  • Logo and proposed color palette suitable for adaptation to any identifying purpose (e.g websites, letterhead, flyers/brochures, and merchandising) and to be incorporated into the following deliverables for this task request:

  • Icon, 16 x 16 pixels, .png file format. This will display in the Chrome browser toolbar to represent the extension.

  • Icon, 128 x 128 pixels, .png file format. This will be the icon displayed in the store. It is important that this icon is attention grabbing and enticing as displayed in the store.

  • Small tile icon, 440 x 280 pixels (i.e. landscape), .png file format. This will show up on the Chrome Web Store wall.

  • Editable vector file of the logo in a common format to support future remixing. Suitable formats include EPS, SVG, or AI files.

Before Getting to Work on This

Please post a comment with a link to your portfolio or past examples. Rough drafts and logo ideas are also welcome in the comments but not required. You will not want to commit extensive effort until invited to work further on the project by @tdre. Based on other recent task requests this seems to be the most fair way to proceed.

Additional Considerations

The project's namesake — Anole — is a kind of lizard. Many Anoles are small with a proportionally long, string-like tail. Further the common American anole which inspired the name for this project has an interesting ability to change its shade of green or brown — thus it makes an appropriate mascot for changing a string from one thing into another.

Preference will be given to logo/identity proposals that portray this association.

However, keep in mind to avoid confusion with the logo for Notepad++ which also incorporates a reptile. Nor do we want to resemble any similar software logo.

The less Anole's new logo looks like this the better.

To that end a crisp, non-cartoonish and/or stylized Anole representation may work best.

Since these assets will be used in the Chrome Web Store please be mindful of Google's guidance on supplying images and branding.

To be accepted any work submitted must preserve the potential to use it as a trademark for the project. Please refrain from licensing until after your work is accepted.

Once this Task Request has run its course accepted contributors can discuss open source and Creative Commons licensing in concert with the project owner if desired.

The Anole software is licensed GPL-3.0-only.


July 2nd, 2018.





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