Witness Essentials 1.0.2 - Commands & Dynamic Properties


Essentials scripts & tools for STEEM Witnesses - written in Typescript.

Github: https://github.com/therealwolf42/witness-essentials

Two days ago, I released the latest version 1.0.1 for Witness Essentials.

But @themarkymark gave me great feedback about functions which were missing in Witness Essentials, so I got busy and implemented them.

Changelog 1.0.2

You're now able to update your witness parameters, switch servers by enabling keys and of course - you can also disable your witness directly.

I also want to mention, that I've taken some inspiration for implementing those commands from @furion's conductor.

Info: For all commands, make sure that you have either your encrypted active-key or plain-text active-key in your .env

  • Update witness parameters - npm run update

Please enter your encryption key: **************
The decryption will take a few seconds.

What should be your witness URL? [https://steemit.com/witness/@therealwolf/making-steem-greater-therealwolf-is-now-a-witness] :
How much do you want the account creation fee to be? (number only - without STEEM) [0.200 STEEM] : 0.1
How big should be your maximum block size? [65536] :
How high should be the SBD interest rate? [1] : 0

{ props:
   { account_creation_fee: '0.100 STEEM',
     maximum_block_size: 65536,
     sbd_interest_rate: 0 },
  url: 'https://steemit.com/witness/@therealwolf/making-steem-greater-therealwolf-is-now-a-witness',
  witness: 'therealwolf' }

Do you want to update your witness now? [y/n]: y
2018-07-14T12:10:54.526Z - Updated Witness to STM62....
Update was sucessful. Exiting now.
  • Switch servers / enable key - npm run enable <key>

npm run enable STM62....

Please enter your encryption key: ****
The decryption will take a few seconds.
2018-07-14T11:37:18.572Z - Updated Witness to STM62....
Update was sucessful. Exiting now.
  • Disable witness - npm run disable

npm run disable

Please enter your encryption key: ****
The decryption will take a few seconds.
2018-07-14T11:42:03.549Z - Disabled Witness
  • Dynamic Props

The props are also now dynamic -as they were previously hardcoded. You can change them in your config.json like this:

"PROPS": {
    "account_creation_fee": "0.100 STEEM",
    "maximum_block_size": 65536,
    "sbd_interest_rate": 0



There are 3 other commits, but those are only for the Readme & package.json version update.

Please let me know if you have feedback, found bugs or have a feature request.

Thank you!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column