The Curious Expedition - Greek Translation Part. 21


Current Session

Yay, one more translation down, one god knows how many more to come!

I returned from work at around 3 pm, had a quick nap and then went straight to crowdin. I started typing one word after the other and then about mid way got lazy and went out for a couple of beers. A couple beers later I returned home and finished yet another part of approximately 900 words!

Like always, here are a couple of strings I translated during this session to give you a small taste of what I am dealing with. As you can see it's pretty easy stuff:

  1. "As we [left|departed] we [noticed|became aware] that our campfire had [set fire to|set alight|ignited] some nearby bushes. Before we knew what had [caused it|precipitated it|happened] the fire began to spread out of control."

  2. "$name's wound had signed $his death sentence. With $his last words $he begged me to return $his family amulet to $his sister in a nearby village."

  3. "I congratulated $name, but instead of [joy|excitement|appreciation] I saw [sadness|regret] in $his eyes. $He [mentioned that $he would be glad to see the back of me|said she would celebrate my leaving|felt like $he could never leave these lands]. $He [preferred to stay in $his home country|stated that $he would not follow me to the civilised world|told me that this place was a part of her soul]."

  4. "Bathing in the hot springs had astoundingly healed our wounds."

  5. "[My reputation was still meagre, but|After the efforts of my past expeditions I was delighted as] [I noticed a mild interest in our exploits|more folk started to show an interest in our ship]. Who did I want to recruit?"

By the way, when I do my translations I like to have some relaxing music playing on the background. Here are two tracks to give you an idea of what I like to listen, in case any of you actually cares:


Project Details

The Curious Expedition is a rogue-like expedition simulation set in the 19th century. It's the first game by indie developer Maschinen-Mensch. The game is available on Steam, GOG, Humble Store and at the official homepage The game has been regularly updated through out the last 2 years. A list of all the updates can be found here. For information on modding the game, go here . [source and more info]


Here's a video showing some in-game footage from the game to get a good idea of what to expect. Maybe it will convince you to give it a try:

And here's what I believe to be the official trailer:

Why Did I Choose This Project?

Well, to be honest, I chose this project because all the other options were applications with boring names like Freecad and Jabref. I thought it would be fun (edit: less boring) to translate a game instead. And thank god... I was right!

I am sure my team members are very jealous that I get to translate strings like "Let's eat", "Giant tortoise", "I feel happy and sad", and "Oh my god" while they get to translate stuff like "resolving duplicate keys", "Port Design", "Constraining modifier key" and "Corrugated elements"... LOL!

Too bad for them, now they have to live with the choices they have made....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Contribution Specifications

  • Translation Overview: This is a really large project, approximately 80.000 words and obviously it's gonna take me a while to finish. In each part I plan to translate anywhere from 700 to 1200 words. For the most part, the translation is very easy as there are few, if any, technical terms.
  • Languages: The project is being translated from English to Greek.
  • Word Count: According to Crowdin, for Part 21# I translated 875 words, for a total of 22450 translated words. Since most of the strings translated were part of the in-game dialogues there were only a handful (1, maybe 2%) that were left in the original language, e.g. screenshot.

Proof of Authorship


First I'd like to thank our very helpful and patient LMs, @dimitrisp and @ruth-girl for being awesome.

A shout-out goes of course to the other brilliant members of the Greek team: @katerinaramm, @lordneroo and of course the one and only @trumpman. A special shoutout of course goes to @trumpman2, I would be nothing without his constant support and guidance!

And last but not least, a big thank you goes to DaVinci and Utopian for keeping this project alive, running and developing!

Image credits for the first and second images of this gif: - Third and fourth images from the Public Domain

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