Utopian Rules Update #7 - Biggest Quality Enforcement Ever


Quality as The First Priority!

In Utopian.io we have a dream, to be the first moderated Steem platform that enforces TOP quality contributions. We worked hard every day to get there and today we are going to propose the biggest rule update we have ever done.. This update will have an impact for all the Utopian contributors, we strongly suggest to review all the new rules before contributing.

All the posts submitted before this announcement will be reviewed as per the old rules, all the new posts will have to bind to the new rules.

The Translations Category is now opened again. You can submit new contributions in that category as long as they bind to the new rules https://utopian.io/rules

Editor Templates

When creating a new contribution or task request, now the Editor will propose predefined templates for each category that contributors should follow.

Example: Sample Template for Video Tutorials

What Will I Learn?

Write here briefly the details of what the user is going to learn in a bullet list.

  • You will learn Example A
  • You will learn Example B
  • You will learn Example C


Write here a bullet list of the requirements for the user in order to follow this tutorial.

  • Example Requirement A
  • Example Requirement B
  • Example Requirement C


Either choose between the following options:

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Tutorial Contents

A full description of the topics of this video tutorial, plus the contents of the tutorial itself.


Place here a list of related tutorials you have already shared on Utopian that make up a Course Curriculum, if applicable.

Immediate Rejection

We proposed to reduce the waiting period after a moderator requests for a change to 24 hours, but then realised there should be no waiting period at all. Contributors are enforced to read all the rules before contributing. They won't have a chance to edit, the contribution will be either accepted or rejected.

Significant Rules Changes

  • Translations minimum 1000 words.
  • Translations must have been done no longer than a week before the contribution. The same for code contributions.
  • Tutorials and Video Tutorials can be now only about highly technical how-tos that have coding implications.
  • If your account on an external platform does not match the Steem/Utopian account you must either change it or use another field to show you are the author. Screenshots of you logged in other platforms won't be accepted any longer.

Other significant rules have been changed. Review them all on https://utopian.io/rules

On The Horizon

Moderation Editing Functionalities

Soon moderators will be able to change category, repository and tags on behalf of the contributor since It is there where we have the biggest amount of mistakes.

Moderation Questionnaire and Quality Slider

Soon moderators will have to fill a short questionnaire and assign a quality to each reviewed contribution. The Utopian Bot will mainly take into consideration the quality assigned as a factor to decide the voting weight.

Utopian Community-Driven Witness

We are made of developers, system administrators, entrepreneurs, artists, content creators, thinkers. We embrace every nationality, mindset and belief.

Utopian.io is the first Community-Driven Witness. Every decision will be taken as per the consensus of the entire community using our public Discord server and soon via a public voting system.


A Special Thanks to The Sponsors

@freedom (Voting for Witness)




@wackou (Voting for Witness)

@xeldal (Voting for Witness)

@lafona-miner (Voting for Witness)


@steempty (Voting for Witness)

@thecryptodrive (Voting for Witness)

@furion (Voting for Witness)


@jesta (Voting for Witness)


@ajvest (Voting for Witness)

@reggaemuffin (Voting for Witness)





@yabapmatt (Voting for Witness)

@forykw (Voting for Witness)


@delegate.lafona (Voting for Witness)


@agoric.systems (Voting for Witness)

@teamsteem (Voting for Witness)

@netuoso (Voting for Witness)

@yehey (Voting for Witness)











@dragosroua (Voting for Witness)

@rival (Voting for Witness)








@bycz (Voting for Witness)


@helo (Voting for Witness)


@drakos (Voting for Witness)










@evildido (Voting for Witness)

@dimitrisp (Voting for Witness)









@jatinhota (Voting for Witness)























@fakire1sadaka (Voting for Witness)
























A Special Thanks to The Moderators



















































































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