College in London Forced to Close For Daring to Show VAXXED

The Centre for Homeopathic Education (my Almer Mater) has been removed from its rooms in Regents College, London immediately following a screening of VAXXED.

Regent's College is a private organisation hosting lots of smaller colleges from business schools & MBA programs, to sports massage and acupuncture.

There was publicity around the event that stated, 'disgraced MMR fraud Doctor Andrew Wakefield was at the UK premier of the movie'. Here's what The Times (owned by Rupert Murdoch who also sits on the board of GlaxoSmithclineBeecham) had to say about him,

"The disgraced former doctor Andrew Wakefield has returned to Britain for the first time since being struck off, to promote a film backing his fraudulent research linking vaccines with autism."

That would lead you to think that the documentary is about Dr Wakefields research in the Royal Free hospital back in the mid 1990s. It's not, it's about how the Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) suppressed & falsified research showing vaccines can be harmful.

Similar stories appeared in The Sun (also owned by Rupert Murdoch)

The Independent newspaper (owned by a secretive Russian billionaire & rapidly fading into irrelevance as it resembles a click-bait site more every day) starts it's piece saying,

"Studies have exhaustively concluded there is no relationship between vaccination and autism since discredited 1998 report"

Have they? The rest of the piece is a re-hash of The Times article (journalism at it's best, eh?!).

The Guardian also continued it's inexplicable campaign against natural medicine by also attacking the movie.

The Vaxxed movie had already been due to premier at two other venues in London, but pressure was brought to bear from whatever quarter (government, corporate?) and the screenings were cancelled. Eventually CHE had the balls to screen it, only to find themselves homeless for their troubles, presumably because similar pressure was applied.

We have to ask ourselves, who is attempting to censor free-speech around this subject? What's so dangerous about this? Surely most people already know the CDC is a corrupt & compromised 'regulator', with a revolving door between people at the top & vaccine manufacturers? Surely they already know there are secret vaccine courts that have paid out BILLIONS to victims of vaccine damage over the past 10 years? Helpful hint: To have a chance at getting compensation, lawyers advise plaintiffs NOT to use the word 'autism' in their submission, they need to use euphemisms instead. ('Vaccine-induced Encephalopathy' is a good one). Oh, the CDC also owns patents on some of the vaccines it mandates (conflict of interest much?!)

I feel like I occupy a parallel universe: Big Pharma gets caught over & over & over again lying, suppressing research, selling drugs it knows to be dangerous & ineffective....KILLING PEOPLE FOR PROFIT. Government agencies get caught again & again failing in their duty of care, cherry-picking research to back up dubious political policies, and the aforementioned phenomenon of chief executives stepping across seamlessly to important roles in the corporations they were ostensibly monitoring.

Well whenever powerful interests are trying to stop our access to information, we should question why? What are they hiding? What don't they want us to know? It's pretty obvious in this case - mass vaccination is a disaster & is poisoning people on a massive scale.

I suppose I'm in a fairly unusual position - I see the effects of vaccine damage every day in my work, and I see children losing their autism diagnoses after vaccine detoxes. I'm on the front line of this. These movie-makers aren't conspiracy theorists or con-men.

Either, I'm a liar/a fool/ a quack/ a snake oil salesman.... OR there's a massive conspiracy between big-pharma, government & the media that is seeking to censor & silence the fact that: MASS VACCINATION CAUSES MASS VACCINE-DAMAGE.

As Shakespeare said,

"The truth will out."

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