"Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

"And more are speaking out every day, each one, emboldened by the ones before them. Some of them but a whisper, but as millions of families begin whispering around the world, the noise will be deafening. These families will not be ridiculed into silence any longer. They will speak their stories, the stories will be heard, and those that hear them will believe. A flood is coming."
-- from "Into The Light"

This incredibly moving video was presented to the VaxXed Team at their Homecoming Event on November 17, 2016.

It is incredibly moving .... Please Take The Time to Watch.

Things will never be the same again -- The VaxXed Movement is changing history.

I am so glad that Forrest helped memorialize this world-changing journey for change and hope.

 PLEASE, Please Watch This 7-minute Video

... or Click Here To Watch

The Video is Narrated by Forrest Maready of "My Incredible Opinion".

Below are his Beautiful and Moving Words ...

A beautiful thing is taking place, in our battle. In every great conflict, there's always been a story. A character. A group. A place. A turning of the tide. A moment when it seemed that all was lost, and then, something emerged from the ashes when it was least expected.


First there was sorrow. But then there was hope. And then there was light.


I think right here in our midst, that thing is starting to happen before our very eyes, and I want to make sure you know what's going on. I want to make sure you don't miss it. The sorrow. The hope, and the light. It's starting to happen every day across the country, and other parts of the world. I want to tell you what it is, but first… a little backstory.


The majority of the world believes that vaccines are safe, effective, necessary. They believe that science is on their side, majority opinion is on their side.


They believe we're just angry parents because our children drew the short end of the genetic straw.

We've asked for more data. We've asked for more science, for the ULTIMATE science experiment. A double-blind study where neither researcher nor recipient knows if they're getting a vaccine or not. A large study that runs long enough to be able to clearly see any difference of disease and health between the two groups. We will not get this study. It's too dangerous they say. Unethical to potentially cause someone to forego the lifesaving vaccines. We all know what this study would reveal.


So where are we? We can see the Sorrow. Where is the Hope? Where is the Light? There's another science experiment, a massive one, who's results are finally seeing the light of day. An experiment with results so shocking the outcome has been buried for years and years, burrowing holes of pain and suffering into hearts of parents across the world.

What is this trial? A worldwide experiment in mass vaccination, directly on infants, toddlers, children, our military and the pregnant. The results HAD been hidden from the world. Dismissed as mere coincidence or shuffled under the rug of profit while grieving parents were ridiculed into silence.

Sorrow. Hope. Light. A character. A group. A place. A turning of the tide.


An RV, traveling across the country. A hobbled Winnebago taken from the floods of Hurricane Katrina.

A few people, an unlikely band of vagabonds, sacrificing their lives as they document the results of this grand experiment.

Recording each and every result from that horrible spreadsheet.


Each cell, a story of suffering, a story of death.


Each one of them, unbearable to watch. Impossible to turn away from. Sorrow. Regret. Lives ruined. Families destroyed.

But as painful as they are to see, they need to be seen. Because finally, the tide is turning. At long last, the winds are shifting because these stories are being seen. The spreadsheets that were trashed, and burned, and hidden, and ignored are speaking out with flesh and blood that can no longer be denied.


When it was a story here, a story there, the shuffling and the ridicule worked. But not anymore.


The bus, the people, the families, are everywhere, and are turning over every single stone and revealing the truth, one family at a time.


There are thousands and thousands of them. More than you could possibly imagine.

And more are speaking out every day, each one, emboldened by the ones before them. Some of them but a whisper, but as millions of families begin whispering around the world, the noise will be deafening. These families will not be ridiculed into silence any longer. They will speak their stories, the stories will be heard, and those that hear them will believe. A flood is coming.

If you are waiting for the grand science experiment, you are wasting your time. It has already happened- you & your family were unknowingly placed right in the middle, and you didn't get the placebo. But finally, after so much suffering and heartache, the results are being revealed. One spreadsheet cell, one family at a time.


The tide is turning. I don't know if you can tell. It seemed that all was lost, but something has emerged from the ashes. They are showing what wouldn't be shone. What shouldn't be said. What couldn't be heard.


The truth can not be hidden for ever. We are nearing an end to the sorrow. But I know we'll spend the rest of our lives living off the flood of all the hope and light they've created.

Our eternal thanks to the Vaxxed team and your families.

... Click Here To Watch this 7-minute Tribute on YouTube


I have written about several of the stories collected by VaxXed Team. Please take the time to look at a few of them. It will open your eyes to the harm that vaccines are doing.

Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

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