Vaccinations Create the Wrong Type of Immune Response: Th2 vs Th1 Cells and Achieving Immunostasis

"What people don't know about vaccines --what most doctors don't know-- but well demonstrated in medical literature, is that vaccines shift your immune system to an immune suppression type of state called the "TH2 shift." That's what most vaccines do. They shift your immune system to a weaker, antibody type immune system... If you're injecting people with so many vaccines that your keeping them in this constant state --that now your switching everyone to this TH2 immune suppression-- then everyone becomes more susceptible [to infectious diseases]... and no one is talking about that. Now, a lot of scientists know that, but they are afraid to speak out because their careers would be ruined."

Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D.

A balance of Th1/Th2 cells in the body is defined as IMMUNOSTASIS (or immune balance) and is required for optimum health and wellness.

Vaccines promote a failure in immunostasis by making the Th2-type cells dominant.

Stephen C. Marini, DC, PhD

In Natural Immunity, like exposure to chickenpox, Th1 response EXTERNALIZES the infection and provides PERMANENT immunity.

In Vaccine-Induced Immunity, Th2 response INTERNALIZES the infection because the Immune System was forced into an emergency -based Th2 response and results in poor immune memory. Thus regular vaccine boosters are required throughout life.


T cells (thymus cells) are the major cell in the immune system; they direct and control all immune responses as well as immune memory. Subsets of T cells are the T-helper cells (Th). T-helper cells coordinate and direct the safest and most effective immune response. Using Moskowitz’s measles example, we know that, when infected with the measles virus naturally via the nasopharyngeal route, the body produces a Th1 response that externalizes the infection and provides permanent immunity.1 Fever, rash, coughing, sneezing, etc are signs of the body ridding itself of this infection. Bypassing the normal body lines of defense by injecting a vaccine forces the immune system into an emergency-based Th2 response which serves to internalize the infection. You don’t get the disease but are susceptible to the disease later since the Th2 response results in poor immune memory. So, if a natural, viral (measles) infection results in a Th1 response, why don’t we make vaccines that could elicit the same response.

Natural immune response to a virus externalizes and eliminates it.

However artificial vaccine-induced Th2 response drives the infection deeper and allows it to become chronic.

I like how Wendy Myers of Live to 110 puts it ...

"We cannot and will not eradicate all disease with vaccines. We have merely traded acute illnesses from which most recover for chronic illnesses for which modern medicine has no cure."

So, which is better? Childhood Infectious Diseases? Or The Risks Associated With Vaccines?

I think that we should boost our immune systems naturally so that we can encounter infectious disease and allow our immune system to fight it off the way our bodies are designed to do. I don't think that the temporary avoidance of illness that a vaccine may provide is worth the damage that the vaccine does to a body. We need strong immune systems to constantly fight off the many pathogens we come across in life.

Further Reading Here:

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