HPV Vaccine Risks/Damage in Japan: Don’t be a Bigot. Let’s Have a Conversation.

Amazingly, a simple and open conversation is not something many I know are capable of having,

even in my small circle of acquaintances here in Niigata, Japan. I have reached out, attempted to lay out my position clearly and professionally (I am not “anti-modern-medicine,” for example, but just think more research/study/testing is warranted in the area of vaccine safety), and been open to being completely corrected and refuted, to face what can only be correctly labeled as bigotry.


  1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
  2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.

An individual I know here in Niigata recent posted a link to this article on Facebook:


What strikes me as odd is calling the request for further objective and disinterested research “misinformation,”

after myriad individuals have imilar, life-threatening and fatal episodes in the wake of the same vaccine. Namely, the Gardasil and Cerverix HPV vaccines.

I quote from the article:

reports of immunised children experiencing pain, walking problems, seizures and other neurological issues. Some parents posted videos of their children online, claiming their symptoms were caused by the HPV jab. Despite its own health ministry finding no evidence that the vaccine was to blame, the Japanese government suspended proactive recommendations for the jab in 2013.


(Shouldn’t this stuff be investigated by an objective and disinterested third party? )

The Japanese government committee to review vaccine reactions has concluded that the symptoms are probably psychosomatic.


Sure, this looks pretty “psychosomatic,” to me:

My fists are literally clenched as I watch this. The bigots will likely cite the anger as proof that am not being “scientific.” Let them. This shit is disgusting.

Degree of Accountability: the difference between the Japanese and American legal system, regarding medicine.

So, this Japanese doctor, Riko Muranaka, is upset that TV news outlets and other media reported thousands of cases of possible serious adverse reactions to HPV vaccines. Weird. Why not just follow up on these reports with more research and investigation, instead of fighting against the dissemination of information? Not very scientific is it?

Muranaka seems convinced (and she may be correct, how would we know without further study?) that these massive adverse events have nothing to do with the vaccine. She is angry that the Japanese government would remove the official recommendation for HPV vaccination. Why?

Well, for one thing, the Japanese government is still held somewhat responsible for its actions in some areas. Unlike in the US, where vaccine makers literally cannot be held legally liable for damages (very “pro-science” way to do things, no?), in Japan, policy makers can be severely punished.

You see, under Japanese law bureaucrats found to have neglected their duty to inform medical consumers of serious risks involved with taking medicines, vaccines and other medical products can be prosecuted and severely punished.


What about scientific studies?


They exist, and people with great minds and expert training in medical research are trying, but for those of you who know anything about the state and its pet corporations, dissent is often simply “discredited” by being removed, redacted, or hit by a massive smear campaign in the media (see the case of Doctor Andrew Wakefield, and the millions who have never read his groundbreaking study on Autism and mitochondrial dysfunction, talking about how it has been “DEBUNKED!”).

When former editors-in-chief of some the most prestigious medical journals in the world tell us we cannot believe half the research published in said journals due to massive conflicts of interest and government influence, what are we left with?

Well, a sea of “discredited” studies attacked by the unaware/bigoted, foaming at the mouth with their own version of a “Google degree” acquired via a feverish 5-minute copy/pasta session on “Skeptical Raptor.”

What kinds of conflicts of interest could there be? Why not let the Japanese government conduct its own internal studies?

Merck, as of today, has a market cap of $166 billion. In 2016, the company had $39.8 billion in revenues, of which $2.7 billion was from Japan, their fourth-largest market. Of the hundreds of products and brands that Merck markets, only ten have more than $1 billion in annual revenues, and Gardasil is one of those, with total annual revenues of just over $2 billion. Said differently, Gardasil matters to Merck in a very, very big way.


**Not a factor at all, right? Governments don’t placate mega-powerful lobbyists. Money doesn’t influence things like medicine. Riiiight. I have some ocean front property in Iowa for sale if you’re interested, too...

For those willing to see the forest for the trees (not for the bigots), here are a few studies and resources to look into.

I want to leave you with this thought, though, as I am sure someone will cruise over to “Skeptical Raptor,” copy/paste a bunch of stuff, and tell me what an idiot I am.

These young women have lives. In many cases, their lives are ruined, or ended.

I know of women here in my city who are convinced that their current disabilities are a result of HPV vaccination. Will you look them in the face and tell them they are “nutjobs,” “liars,” or “loonies”?

Look at this lying bitch in her “psychosomatic” wheelchair.

If you would do such a thing, without at least being open to a conversation and hearing their story, then you are a bigot, and science is something as far from you as the sun is from the earth.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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