If you think the fight against forced vaccinations is just about children… Think again ADULTS THEY ARE TARGETING YOU TOO!

The authors of Healthy People 2020 have outlined their National Adult Immunization Plan. This strategy is a "cradle to grave plan" to insure all adults and children get their REQUIRED vaccinations.

With 250 new vaccines coming down the pipeline the time to get your head out of the sand is NOW!


Some ideas revealed in episode 7 of TTAV and others to consider that are being thrown around by the powers that "we allow" to rule us to insure compliance are:

• Your driver’s license could be revoked if you do not comply with the vaccination schedule.
• You may not be able to shop in public stores.
• You may not be able to attend sporting events.
• You may not be able to attend college or universities.
• Your employer may even mandate vaccination to retain funding that they may be offered to assist in vaccine compliance.

You may think this is never going to happen. Mandatory programs revoking parental rights are already in place in California with other states attempting to jump on the bandwagon. Just how do you think the Pharmaceutical companies plan on recouping their money for their 250 vaccines they have on the drawing board? They will not care what the cost may be to you and yours whether is it a monitory cost or the price you will pay with a vaccine injury. They will only be concerned that they make a profit in the end. And their lobbyists will buy every politician they can just to make it happen just like they did with Dr. Richard Pan, Senator of California.

Just in case you do not know you cannot sue the Pharmaceutical companies or anyone associated with giving the vaccine if you or any of your loved ones are injured by their vaccines.

In case you are interested here is a list of current vaccine ingredients. One can only imagine what the future 250 vaccines will contain.


Are you going to let this quietly happen and let the Pharmaceutical industry continue to convince healthy people that they are at risk and vaccines are the answer when will enough be enough?

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