Vaxxed and Injured My family's Story

My son is my youngest, born in December of 1999, when he was born I was a mom to three beautiful healthy children.
My children are everything to me. I love being a mom, loved teaching them and watching them grow and learn. I been into computers since before I had kids and was an early adopter of educational games and programs. When my oldest daughter turned three I started her on preschool style software to learn early reading skills. By the time my youngest daughter turned 2 she was playing on them too, she wanted to play so I let her.

My son was around 1 years old when one day one of the girls left the computer program up to play with her sister and I watch my boy climb into this chair and start playing the game. It was a point and click follow the instruction do different task to complete a story. My daughters had been playing it for months and had not completed the story yet. My son did it in less than an hour. I knew I had a very bright kid on my hands.

By the time he was 2 years old he would spell every word he saw and was starting to write letters. He would spell every single new word he saw out loud and pronounce it correctly, he really loved educational software and loved learning everything he could. By the time he was 3 and 1/2 he put back together a computer I was working on while I was on the phone and loaded the OS onto it correctly. By the age of 4 and 1/2 his handwriting look more like a 3 or 4th graders than a 4 year old.

But then he was vaccine injured. We were a military family when my son was born and because we relocated due to Military life I ended up not from really an informed choice but from circumstance delaying my sons vaccines, they were all delayed till he was about to enter Kindergarten.

We went to the doctor and the newest Military doctor decided it was time for my son to be fully caught up on his vaccination. I was concerned because he was getting twice as many at one time my daughters got, being on schedule. But the doctor told me they were safe and I believed him. This would be the first time in my life I would lose trust and faith in doctors.

That appointment was at 4:30 pm on a Wednesday, by 8 pm that night I knew something was wrong. My son stop making eye contact, I watched my son pick up his little kindergarten workbook I had for him and he was not able to write the letter where you could read what the letters were, it looked like he hadn’t even written anything before. I wish I could show you examples of the papers, sadly 6 years ago they were stored in our basement and the sub-pump stopped working and our basement flooded and they were destroyed.

This had me extremely concerned, and I was back at the doctors office waiting for them to open the next morning with my son. The doctor said to me “It is so rare for it to happen, I am sorry he has had a reaction to the vaccines and has been injured but I don’t know Michelle what type of injury he will be diagnosed with because I can’t not diagnosis it he will need to see specialists.”

5 specialists and 2 years later he was given the diagnosis of Asperger’s and Dysgraphia. The vaccines or too many of them at one time caused neurological damage to my son. For those who doesn’t understand what Dysgraphia is it an inability to write coherently, as a symptom of brain disease or damage. Which was confirmed by specialists to be caused from a reaction to the vaccines. My son can write he just types everything out when he needs to write something. He hand writes only his name anymore and it took 13 years for it to be readable with daily practice.

My son is brilliant still, he just got locked inside is head. He has light sensitivity now and is sensitive to sounds, so you will find when he watches things it on very low volume but for him it sounds like it does when someone else has it on a high volume. Thankfully my son had computer skills and I noticed when he typed he could show us what he learned. So I found a way to reach my kid and started researching. He also developed flaps or ticks as some people come them, and he constantly paced around till we started detoxing him. He did not have any of these issues before his injury.

Detoxing the body can really help improve symptoms. There are a few methods I want to try to see if I can fully detox him, but the pediatrician we have who specializes in vaccine injured children warned I should wait till he is an adult because there can be side effects from those methods. So we used the Organic food method to detox and reduce his exposure to artificial chemicals. Slowly things started to get better with his symptoms. The flap or ticks have stopped, he still paces some but not constantly anymore. His handwriting still sucks but his signature got readable once we detoxed his body. I know he isn’t fully detoxed but the side effects make me too scared to risk harming him with other methods.

My son has not had a vaccine since his injury. This story is not up for debate. This is my experience with what happened to my son, what I watched happen to him and how I started questioning everything in the medical industry and no longer blindly trusting what any doctor says. Because I learned a very important lesson during all this. That lesson is this. Drug companies give kick backs to doctors for drugs they administer, including the Vaccine manufacturers. It is my story, my son’s story, my family’s story.

When I was a kid 1 in 100,000 kids were diagnosed with Autism, now it is according to the CDC’s website One in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a 30% increase from 1 in 88 two years ago, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mar 28, 2014. That is 3 years old I recently heard it is 1 in 48 now I am 39 years old. 1 in 100,000 when I was growing up. Think and ask yourself where did the increase come from.

The first jump came after the government said no one could sue the vaccine companies anymore and then the vaccine recommendations jump, every jump as correlated with more vaccines being recommend. And ask yourself this, if vaccines were safe why would we have a vaccine court that awards damage to the most severely injured? Don’t believe me check it out for yourself here

Ending this I want to say this. I am not against vaccines, but I am against dangerous additives being added to them. I am against doing more than one vaccine at a time, and those 3 in 1 vaccines I don’t think should exist.

Statical information was found at the cdc website at Do you own research is all I ask by sharing my story.

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