Timeless Vibes

Timeless Vibes

Today guys tell yourself its a good day, hello all my fellow steemians.
Well this is something that is considered maybe a controversial issue with many people. But It's all common, we all go through things, it's a part of life we exist in a world that has a very off balance system.

Of course the values that we see today have deteriorated over time and you think about things, like warfare, pollution, crime, corruption, all these things exist and this is something that I mostly don't usually talk about, but I think about and have an open view on matters that exist outside my bubble of reality.

I'm for a strong positive solution. The common solution to these problems would be looking up to the sky and not wodering why but knowing.

So some will stop reading now but for the ones who continue forward. I have compiled a list of relevant topics and values that fit todays problems and are open to solutions.
But are these "values" still relevant today?

Well I'm not here to preach to you or anything so jam out to some California Reggae vibes, while you listen to this, I would like to share some fine quality points that may help you as a reader benefit yourself, trust me I know we all need a boost from time to time.

If people live by such values then this whole world would be a better place. So being open & honest here. But is it truth is it fact? That's not something for me to tell you, I just want to explain a little bit here with different points and comments that will be a positive force in building up your spirit and your search for truth.

Clues and Values Relevant today

  • Love of Peace
    This is something I live by, and live for the "love of peace" just saying those words itself, is good & refreshing. This is my way of showing appreciation for peace, explaining that, anybody and anything can have peace, peace within yourself, peace with God, peace with the world in general & coexisting living a good positive outlook in life. Not judging anyone. But living for the LOVE OF PEACE ☮

"If possible, as far as it depends on you, be Peaceable with all men"

  • Mercy, Forgiveness
    Okay I know we all have someone in life that we do not like. It may be a personal conflict a physical conflict, but we need to be able to release that pressure and not hold anything against anyone. And be a forgiving person. We want to put up with one another, because we're all human, we all exist on this planet together. You know we want to all have the best life possible, so why not freely forgive, and you know that there's no reason to complain about things, but that's something that we need to think about at least.

"Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown Mercy"

  • Racial Harmony
    Need I say more.
    "Made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the Earth"

"God is Not partial but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."

  • Respect for the Earth
    Take care of our planet it is our home we should as it states cultivate it and take care of it not rape and destroy the surface for resources or burn waste chemical dumping etc, because one day "God will bring to ruin those who are ruining the Earth."

  • Hatred of Greed & Immorality
    This one is hard, as humans we are all alil bit greedy and somethings we just hate so why not hate the these because greed has messed up our world and Immorality fuels it even more down a road of horrors. I like to say I hate nothing but evil or satan "well". Because most everything is good, its just hard to love around all the greedy Immorally debauched world.

"Guard against every sort of greed, because even when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses"

  • Honest, Hardwork
    "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things"

  • The importance of helping those in need
    "Speak consolingly to those who are depressed support the weak and be patient toward all"

Just in these certain values that are stated in here don't we all want to live a happier life and apply these?
So what can this list do for you?
Having these values and principles has changed my life in everyway, I'm no saint and yes one hell of a sinner but its worth the effort we put into these values and live life blessed and positive at best.


Listen and follow them on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5SXEy...

Buy on iTunes:


  • People: God
  • Place: Planet Earth
  • Thing: Values/positive vibes
  • From: Me
  • To: You

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All pictures or anything on my blog is my own unless otherwise stated...©krazypoet™

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet)

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“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

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Much Love to all & be well

Stay Positive

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