Why Do We Wait for a Savior to Rescue Us?
No need to raise your voice, lift a finger, get out in the streets or even get off your fat ass. (MM-uumm)
And Why Not?
Because if Hollywood and television have taught us anything over the decades, it's that we'll be saved just in the nick of time, at the eleventh hour, by an individual with super human ability, strength, charisma and a nice jaw line.
It's the comfort of knowing that someday, perhaps one day soon, he/she will arrive to lead us to the promise land that we so desperately crave.
Run Come Save Me
We've been conditioned like Pavlovian dogs to wait for our messianic leader to emerge while we sit back and thank our lucky stars that this day has finally come.
Finally, we will have justice, we will have peace, we will have reason to celebrate and we will have overcome... watching from a safe and comfortable distance, of course.
We've become so accustomed to being voyeurs in our own lives, our communities and in the greater society that we've forgotten how to help ourselves.
Most of us prefer to watch events passively from the safety of our nested living rooms surrounded by our creature comforts, isolated, medicated and complacent.
Our mindless entertainment consists of rehashed, rebooted and recycled super heroes battling the greatest evils of our inevitable dystopic future.
How the world got this way is of little importance, what we must accept through endless repetition is that a horrifying dystopia is part of a logical progression.
Fear is relentlessly broadcast though every medium until we accept this as our destiny.
And according to the script we've been given, we must patiently await our fearless leader.
A hero will emerge.
A hero will come.
Alright, maybe not right this minute, but he's coming.
Hang on...
He's definitely coming, for sure.
Messianism is -
the belief and doctrine that is centered on the advent of the messiah, who acts as the chosen savior and leader of humanity by God.
Many of our superhero movies have messianic overtones.
There are literally thousands of superhero movies, television shows, and video games each with their spin-off merchandise with our favorite protagonist's carefully crafted image beamed deep into the recesses of our minds
The moral of the story is to wait and do nothing until the hero saves the day.
The Superhero Politician
This myth never seems to get old.
As the pendulum swings from Republican to Democrat and back to Republican we are constantly fed the notion that a charismatic leader will arrive to correct the wrongs of our political enemies.
That's right, a political outsider will bring hope to the discontent masses, to purge the system of corruption, to establish a new era of politics across the land, to clean up the cesspool known as Washington DC.
Just as the world economy was on the brink of collapse in 2008 and Americans had began to take to the streets and demand that their voices be heard, as anger that was boiling below the surface and threatened to spill over, the American people were introduced to their savior, Barrack Obama.
He was a political outsider, a young black Senator from Chicago, a gifted orator, a community organizer, he ran on Hope and Change and optimism, he played basketball, carried a smartphone, he promised that business as usual in Washington DC was about to be turned on its head and that it would be Main Street over Wall Street.
This newcomer could give America back it's dignity, it's belief in the American illusion.
The people could go home now. Go back to their creature comforts.
Back to their daily lives knowing that this fairy tale had a happy ending.
They could go back to sleep.
Unfortunately, Obama was just corporate America with a facelift.
The Obama campaign won Marketer of the Year in 2008, with Obama himself as the product being sold.
Hope and Change quickly evaporated and things pretty much continued along the path to dystopia.
Even before he took office, Obama's cabinet was chosen by Citi Bank.
And after leaving office, Obama has been rewarded handsomely for his service to his Wall Street masters for a pair of $400,000 speeches, thus far.
Trump - Fill the Swamp
America's New Top President is no different than Obama. He's the face of empire and the personification of the ruling class. Those who actually believe that Trump cares about the plight of the average American are sadly mistaken. Trump's entire life he has, stolen from, cheated, and abused his underclass workers while enjoying all the amenities of America's ruling class.
He too is presented as a political outsider, a self-made man, a symbol of success, wealth, indulgence and vanity. He plays his role of court Jester while the real power plays go on unseen in the background. Trump is a reality TV star, who's role is to 'entertain' America and keep them guessing from week-to-week not knowing what will happen next.
You need only look at Trump's administration to know definitively who is in charge - Goldman Sachs.
- Steven Mnuchin - Goldman Sachs
- Wilbur Ross - Goldman Sachs
- Gary Cohn - Goldman Sachs
- Rex Tillerson - Exxon Mobile
- Betsy DeVos - Philanthropist
The Trump administration is the richest administration in US history with an estimated worth of between $5-10 billion.
This is hardly a departure from Obama's pre-selected pro-Wall Street cabinet from 2008.
Perhaps Trump misspoke and meant that he intended to Fill the Swamp with fresh piles of excrement.
Trump supporters still maintain that he's engaged in a 4-D chess game with the deep state. Yet, it seems as though creating headlines acting erratic maybe by design. The chaos that surrounds Trump with each new tweet and the amount of press he receives appears to be a reality TV show in itself.
The United States is military is engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and stoking the flames with Iran yet all of this receives less and less attention as the media circus is hyper focused on the never ending Trump drama.
We Don't Need a Savior Figure, We Need to Save Ourselves
We don't need a political messiah.
We can see plain as day that the president is really a Vampire Squid named Goldman Sachs.
The president is simply a fallacy and a figurehead.
Conscious people who are awake will know that we do possess the power to change the course of history because there's power in numbers.
We can prevent the dystopia, but we first have to reject their story, their reality tv saviors, and their solutions while creating our own.
There just aren't that many billionaires in the world but there's billions of us.