On Friday I hosted a radio show about veganism, and then I watched Earthlings...

On Friday I hosted a special Vegan edition of The Alternative Lifestyle Show.

Prompted by an earlier interview with @teamsteem I thought it would be a topic worth exploring further.

I was not disappointed. The depth of discussion was amazing. I had not realised how many different layers there are to the subject.

The ten guests on the show each told their own story of why they became vegan and what it means to them. Between them we explored all aspects of veganism - health, planetary impact, animal welfare, vegan anarchy and more.

For me personally it was by far the most interesting radio show I have produced. I am very grateful to all the participants who took the time to come on the show :

@awakentolife, @choogirl, @teamsteem, @krnel, @lenasveganliving, @nathankaye, @marysemciver, @ura-soul, @freedompoint, @mckeever

Listening to all the discussions made me think, and then think some more.

I have been vegetarian in the past, and since my previous interview with @teamsteem I have been vegetarian again. That has been quite easy, but as a hen hodling homesteader taking the next step is more difficult.


During the interviews both @ura-soul and @mckeever mentioned the documentary 'Earthlings'. @ura-soul had mentioned this to me when I interviewed him previously but I only caught a few minutes of it then. Yesterday I made time to watch the whole video.

This is an extremely powerful video - bits of it I knew, much of it I suspected, most of it I wish I hadn't seen.

But it exists and I don't want to be part of it.

Please go and watch this video. Make a post about it. Share your views on it...

The video is also available on the website of Nation Earth who made the film :

I still have a short distance to go on the journey, and questions to ask along the way.

But I do know where I am heading now...

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[ header graphic by @pennsif ]

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