Discovering Myself Through Veganism

This post is a contribution as part of Heart-to-Heart’s new #veganwednesday challenge, asking internet friends to share what being a vegan means to them. In this first contribution, I’m happy to share the deep existential value I’ve cultivated since becoming a vegan. I like to think that I’m not the only one who has had this experience. I’d love to hear your own thoughts and reactions in the comments below!

For me, veganism is about discovering myself. It’s about unlocking my true potential.

Before I went vegan, I spread myself thinly across different spheres of interests, without any one sphere really becoming my home. It wasn’t until I made the transition to veganism and invested myself into local and global vegan culture that I felt truly complete—more than feeling complete, I feel like my potential is ever-expanding.

Deep down, I (like I believe most people) had felt strongly about my values. Yet, while living as a vegetarian even, I was undermining those values. I knew that I didn’t want to hurt animals, but refused to acknowledge the pain inflicted, and the abuse and exploitation I was supporting with my consumption of eggs and dairy.

Since becoming vegan, I can live my true north. I know what’s important to me; I know my purpose. That’s the life I’ve dreamed of. And that’s the life I’m living.

Now, I'm happy to say that veganism is more than just about discovering myself, but it's my purpose. And that, my friends, is what I intend to write about next week! So tune back in!

Until then, be sure to follow me! And find me on my website, Crunchy Vegan, and on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (to name a few!).

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