VeganWednesday - @gardenofeden High Vibe, Home Grown, Nutrient Dense Green Juice

I am excited to participate and support 

VeganWednesday sponsored by 


She is glowing, so you can see by her life's choices that

she is in alignment with well-being.

Thanks @heart-to-heart for sharing your experience, giving rise to opportunity to discuss and share the stores of our food choices and some delightful, vibrant recipes along the way.  I'm glad you're extending this challenge to more Wednesdays!  

I recently wrote a blog titled The Controversy of Labels.  Its a bit about my journey into a plant based diet, and as the title suggests, the controversy of labels and how they can separate and divide, as well as define us.  I've found  a few new healthy friends through that post and are now sharing our passion for nutritious food, regardless of the label.

Labeling does give us some parameters to help us focus on the same subject and have some sort of understanding in common.  Today I take you on a harvest for our @gardenofeden High Vibe, Home Grown, Nutrient Dense Green Juice.  It is definitely a vegan recipe, but everyone can benefit from taking this potent and life-giving beverage.

At the @gardenofeden, we have access 24/7 to freshly harvested greens, both cultivated and uncultivated.  The greens, once picked are promptly juiced to smooth perfection, extracting all the powerful life force into a concentrate for our bodies to absorb right away. We do find the the people who don't like the green juice, are likely those who need it the most.  Once the body becomes accustomed to such dense nutrition, the juice becomes something to look forward to everyday.

@gardenofeden High Vibe, Home Grown, Nutrient Dense Green Juice

Home grown, hand harvested goodness..... 

To the left in this picture above are the trunks for 4 moringa trees, butted up to the sunflowers, purple shiso, chocolate mint and spearmint in the foreground, all essential parts of our daily green juice. 

Lemon Thai Basil, Purple Shiso and Lambs Quarter grow prolifically so there is no chance of running low on ingredients, at least until after they go to seed or a freeze sets in. 

Our herb garden is bursting with medicinal herbs such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, lemon thai basil, parsley, cilantro and lavender, keeping our immune systems strong and enhancing our vitamin and mineral intake.

Large homegrown juicy greens like collards, swiss chard, spinach and kale are full of juice and help make large quantities for our entire community.  Depending on the time of year, we also juice lemongrass, blackberry leaves, dandelion, chives, green onion, shallots, dock, and at least a half a dozen different mints.

Most people have no idea how potent mustard greens can be.  One of our varieties literally tastes like wasabi, and you can get that "clear your sinuses" affect sometimes with just one bite.  We use these sparingly in the juice so not to be too spicy for everyone's taste.

Five year old QiQI is harvesting cleavers, a wild green that has some very similar traits to velcro!   

Qiqi (5) and Noki (4) not only drink the green juice, they also help make the soil, seed it, water it, identify it, harvest it. and juice it.

Beet greens and swiss chard give our green juice a bit of red tint which will sometimes separate in the jar for a multi-layered  affect on which to feast the eyes.

Just look how plump and juicy these greens are!  We don't mind if we share a few little bites with the bugs.

We not only use the carrots, we also use the greens on the tops.  We have many different varieties, including rainbow carrots.

Under this pecan tree, next to our hidden pallet full of aloe (which also goes in the juice) is Purple Shiso, Lambs Quarter, Sunflowers and Rag Weed.  Yes we use ragweed--the weed many people in Texas are  are allergic too.  We use it like homeopathy, boosting our immune systems to even this common allergen.

This is an up-close view of the magnificent moringa branch.  Moringa is a superfood that has come back doubly strong every year at the @gardenofeden.   

Our everyday juice is all natural, pesticide and herbicide free, loved from the making of the soil through downing of a delicious, super green, high vibe daily dose of goodness.

My harvesting basket is about 3 feet by 3 feet , and you can see how it overflows .  Harvesting the fruits of our labor is truly a blessing, and I get a big dose of aromatherapy, along with fresh air, sunshine, my feet grounded on the earth, extra oxygen from the plants, time in nature, moving my body, knowing, nurturing, loving and connecting with my food.  I bring the bursting full basket of greens to someone else in the community who then juices them into a powerful elixir.

To see the process of making green juice, see this recent post by @quinneaker:

Quinn shows the process and even includes a list of some of the greens that go into this life force filled juice.  I encourage you to visit his blog.  He has masterfully set up this system so we have greens everyday of the year, in Texas where it freezes and is also above 100 degrees F. many days out of the year.  

We can have this amazing green juice to build our bodies strong every single day.  It is a mainstay in our good health and we feel blessed to be in the grace of such abundance.  You too can have superfoods growing in your own backyard and be eating live, healthy plants that nurture your well-being.

This is only one amazing reality happening at the @gardenofeden

Tune in to see how a holistic life based on love, passion, freedom sustainability, and responsibility is being lived.  


I base my food choices on a holistic approach and I allow my body to dictate the choices I make, not by ideas of what a label tells me I should and should not eat.  All foods are not created equal in all circumstances.  I find that how and where our food is sourced is way more important for me than defining a category of what food to eat and what food not to eat based on a label.   


Thank you for stopping by my blog!!

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