Vegan Chicken Salad Entry for #VEGANWEDNESDAY @heart-to-heart!


A serious entry for #VEGANWEDNESDAY @heart-to-heart!



1 cup of tempeh

1/2 red bell pepper finely chopped

1 celery stalk finely chopped

1 medium pickle finely chopped

1 tablespoon of pickle juice

1/2 medium onion finely chopped

2 tablespoons of parsley finely chopped

2 teaspoons of dried mustard

2 teaspoons of soy sauce

1 clove of garlic minced

1/2 cup of vegan mayonnaise (WHO KNEW?)


Yep vegan mayonnaise from the store.


Steam tempeh for 15 minutes and set aside. Once cooled, mix all the ingredients in a bowl, salt and pepper to taste put in refrigerator.

Good Eats, taste just like chicken salad.

Being Vegan:

I have a confession, my lovely bride of twenty-something years is a vegan (well she tries to be but sometimes I cook something just too good to pass up). Funny not to long ago she came back from the doctor's office and said that her blood pressure was a little high. And then she just stared at me like it was my fault. The blood pressure thing isn't funny but the always blaming me thing kinda of is funny.

"Well, do you have anything to say?"

I knew it was one of those trick questions that women ask, and no matter how I answered, it would be the wrong answer, and somehow it would be my fault. But I have been married many years, and I am a sly old fox. I knew exactly how to answer and I answered right away.

"Hey honey, did you leave the dogs outside?" Diversion and Avoidance! Victory!!!!

"They are sitting down right behind you! Nice try at the diversion, now answer the question about my blood pressure?"

What is this the Spanish Inquisition?

Apparently I need some new tricks, because my wife is on to me! When cornered like this there is a temptation to go on the offensive and boldly answer, "Its not my fault you are so hyped up all the time!"

But she had that dagger look in her eyes, plus we were in the kitchen and she had easy access to frying pans and knives! Access and opportunity, is all a woman needs to inflict serious damage! When cornered like this, and facing impending homicide, the best course of action is to sheepishly shrug the shoulders and say:

"I'm not sure, what do you think about it?" See answer a question with a question, always gets them.

"I think I am going to change my diet. You know our neighbor had high blood pressure and instead of taking medication he became a vegan. He lost a ton of weight, and his wife told me his cholesterol and blood pressure are great, without any medication!"

Then she got that bee in her bonnet look. I could tell something earth shattering was about to come out of her mouth. Words that were likely to cause me great pain a sense of foreboding, doom and betrayal filled the room. And then she uttered those words which will be forever seared upon my brain.

"I am going to become a vegan!" Horror of horrors, for God's sake no, not that!

"What! Not so loud the grill might hear you!" I am a faithful Weber man!

"No I mean it, I have to try something. My mind is made up, I am going to become a vegan."

That was it my kingdom of beer and BBQ came crashing down in a simple word, VEGAN.

She has been at it for several months now and . . . she has lost weight and . . . she says that her belly no longer hurts which apparently had been giving her a problem for years and. . . her clothes fit a whole lot better (nice little vegan bonus there).

Crap she probably will want a whole new wardrobe soon, this vegan thing is going to cost me a ton! (And just like that the bonus is gone).

Most importantly she feels better and her blood pressure is fine. See it wasn't my fault after all!

As for me, its beer and BBQ until the day I die!!!!! (The beer is vegan!) Wait you don't think that woman of mine is trying to out live me for the life insurance money? She is a wily fox. Hmmmmm.

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