Asian inspired rice noodle stir fry with spicy peanut butter sauce

Hey steemies!

This week I thought I would join @heart-to-heart in her #veganwednesday challenge. She promised it wouldn't be torture so I will hold her up to that!! Just kidding, it wasn't that bad, just a few adjustments to my cooking since I can't use butter or honey...she said it was the forbidden fruit.


This is one of my go-to meals when I don't really feel like making anything because it's so effortless to make. You can add whatever vegetables you would like but I chose to go with red peppers, mushrooms, onion, pea pods and celery. Call me crazy, there is just something about pea pods and celery with peanut butter... I just can't explain it, match made in heaven. Fell free to replace coconut amino with low sodium soya sauce if you would like, since I'm severely allergic I have to use a substitute. For 2 servings of this recipe you will need:

For the peanut butter sauce

  • sesame oil for cooking
  • 1 tbsp of finely chopped onion
  • 1tbsp of finely chopped celery
  • 1 garlic clove, pressed
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 hefty tbsp of peanut butter
  • 1 tsp of fresh chili paste (red fermented pepper sauce you put on your Asian food)
  • 1 tbsp of coconut amino
  • salt to taste

For the vegetable stir fry

  • 3 cups of sliced vegetables
  • 1 and half cup of rice noodles cooked as per package directions(about 1/3 of the package)
  • 2 green onions
  • one garlic clove
  • sesame oil / olive oil for cooking
  • cashews or peanuts, chopped


  • First you need to make you vegetable stock for the sauce. In a saucepan on medium heat, add finely chopped onion and celery with the sesame oil and allow to brown, once browned, press the garlic and allow to cook until it browns as well. Reduce heat to low and add 1/2 cup of water and bring it to a boil while scraping the bottom to get flavors. Drain the broth in a cup to remove the veggie bits and set the veggie scraps aside(I just throw mine in the stir fry later).

  • Continuing on low heat, add the chili paste , coconut amino and the peanut butter. Salt to taste. Stir and allow to boil until desired thickness then remove from heat once the sauce is blended to a consistent texture.

  • Using package directions, cook the rice noodles, once cooked drain and rinse in cold water to stop them from cooking and to avoid the starch from sticking the noodles into a big clump.

  • In a large skillet on medium heat, heat olive oil and add the 3 cups of vegetable and salt to taste, I like them still crunchy so cook until the outside start to brown, add pressed garlic and the cashews or peanuts, allow to brown. Add the cooked noodles and sesame oil and allow to fry for a minute and stir ocasionaly. You can add the spicy peanut sauce to the noodles in the pan if you wish but it may make them sticky or you can add the sauce on top of the vegetable and noodle mixture once plated and top with green onions.

I like mine super spicy so I generally add more chili paste once it's cooked. Hope you enjoy!

Bon apetit !! xox

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