Are you a Shahid Kapoor fan? Do you think he knows what veganism is?

Recently Indian media was all praise for the Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor turning vegan who is going to launch a vegan fitness app called v-fit. A few months back PeTA India has crowned him with Hottest Vegetarian Celebrities title along with Sonam Kapoor. Now these days we are being served the news of him turning vegan.

No doubt he maintains a fit and a very attractive figure with six pack abs and credits it to his veg. diet. So he is all set to promote veganism by launching his fitness app called v-fit. But all these celebrity talk surrounding veganism is without even getting a basic understanding of the concept of veganism. Most celebrities have done more disservice to vegan movement than actually lending any support to it. These people just take on a temporary fad to improve their health & figure according to the requirement of some movie project and then get back to their earlier lifestyle.

Note how Shahid is emphasizing to promoting veganism by testifying that it is the way to get fit and healthy. But just like any other meals, vegan meals too include healthy as well as junk food. And all this talk revolving only around food reduces veganism to merely a diet, which it is not.

The idea of veganism is basically animal centric. It’s primary cause is to save all animals from torture, exploitation and slaughter. Veganism believe that all sentient beings have a fundamental right to free life on this planet and it is our moral duty to honour their rights. So of course vegans don’t consume any animal based ingredient in their meals including meat, fish, egg, dairy, honey etc. But apart from diet, they also don’t consume products like leather, silk, wool, fur, ivory, pearls, beeswax, musk, counch etc. which are all of animal origin. Vegans are also against the use of animals for research, education and entertainment. They won’t go for hunting, fishing, animal rides or visit zoos, aquariums, circuses, etc. Wherever any animal is being used for the selfish interest of humans, it can’t be termed vegan.

Although vegan lifestyle results in good health, environment conservation, reducing the impact of climate change, deforestation etc. apart from many other positive things but all these are just a bonus. Going vegan for the health reasons won’t make you adhere to its principle completely. I’ve seen many celebrities turning non-vegan after going vegan for some time. All these people had advocated reductionism. I foresee similar things in Shahid Kapoor too. Check this link where his nutritionist and fitness expert Marika Johansson clearly mentions that Shahid loves the healthy dessert "cassein chocolate pudding", which they send it to him almost every single day. Now tell me where do casein come from if not dairy? So if ever you want to go vegan, never look up to celebrities for inspiration. Look into your own conscience and it will be easier for you.

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