The top photo is my entry into juliank's photo challenge.
Back in 2012, our first old Mercedes croaked on us. We really had very little money to replace her and fishy REALLY likes her old diesels. We saw this craigslist ad and they were claiming they had a running Mercedes for $600. Of course they lived in the middle of nowhere so it would take half a day just to go look at it. We talked about the odds it would be some kind of rip off. Was there no title, no wheels, did it stink like something died in it? In the end we decided to take the drive because it was a pretty trip anyway.
What we found was a middle aged couple who told us if we did not buy it they were taking it to the scrap yard. They could not get anyone to buy it out there in the boondocks, we were the first people to even come look. We took her for a test drive and she purred like a diesel kitten. We named her "The Mercy Mobile" on the test drive, clearly the Universe was taking mercy on us! The leather was still mostly intact, the body was totally straight (it has a dinged door now but it has not affected her mechanical performance lol!)
We had my cousin the mechanic look her over a week or two later, he told us she was about to fall apart and was not safe to drive her home. She got us home, I replaced the offending parts and she has chugged right along for 6 more years so far. Her odometer was broken when we bought her, I am sure we have added another 30,000 miles to this. Truly, they just don't make them like this anymore!