"Honey...? where is my STOVE?!"

"No idea Thelma, I dunno what you're talkin' bout."


Because when you don't have a jackstand big enough, an electric range works great to prop up your truck. Talk about repurposing something! (From the looks of the yard, they "repurpose" just about everything, including a dryer, and come to think of it, the parts off this truck!)

Just another unique sight to see while we drive to and from town :))) I purposely brought the Canon this morning and, while a pack of dogs went berserk at me from the equally...interesting...place across the road, I slowed down and snapped this photo out the window. (The Husband emphatically vetoed my suggestion that I just go knock on their door and ask if I could photograph their truck. I can't imagine why. Haha)

Entry for @juliank's weekly #vehiclephotography contest doubling as an entry to the #livesustainably photo competition.

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