A plot that has been woven for a long time, socialism, communism is not about all this, but whatever it has been implemented in my country leads to destruction. Many who do not know our country only know that there is a humanitarian crisis, that we are not having a good time, that there is dictatorship, repression and hunger. Some left the country at the beginning of the crisis, and for them at that time the country was bad economically, but they have no idea how much worse it has been since they left, so I want to dedicate this post to my country, I publish it in English because its purpose is to make known the situation to those who do not know many things, to the steemit community in its English-speaking majority.

There was a time, until 2012 as I remember, we were a prosperous country, we had so much wealth that even though there was corruption we could live in peace. There was health, education, employment. The minimum wage was enough to eat and there was still money left for other expenses. We have always had the door open for foreigners, we received people from other countries, people who came here with a dream and I'm sure they found it.

Everything began to fall apart when the president died, (although before everything had been planned). The substitute just took power, eliminating citizens the possibility of acquiring foreign currency with the ease that they used, I also he created a dual system for the sale of foreign currency with two prices, a preferential one for medicines and food and another normal one for the common citizen that It was up to 100 times more expensive than the previous one.

In spite of that, medicines and food began to escaze more and more. The corrupt took the dollars at a preferential price to resell it on the black market with profits of up to 1000%, and they forgot medicines and foods. Get the daily food it became somewhat complicated, the queues were getting longer, and many took advantage of the offer-demand relationship to increase the prices of basic articles to inhuman levels, generating malnutrition in the poorest societies.

They began to attack the productive apparatus, apparently their objective is that each citizen depends on them to eat, closed large companies, the prices of articles skyrocketed, many began protests in search of an exit to the problem, but were violently repressed.

Many not seeing another exit decided to leave, most young professionals, leaving their family and friends, leaving a lifetime to go on an adventure with the dream of finding better conditions in neighboring countries.

Thousands of people leave daily. And is that as a professional my salary is 4$ a month, I thank God for steemit that has helped me a lot economically, but those who do not know the platform ?. These rulers apparently hate citizens, all the things they do are harmful to health. People are dying of hunger, it does not matter if they work or not, the result is the same because the prices are too high, there is no freedom of expression, even I could be imprisoned for publishing this.

If you see a Venezuelan and you have the opportunity to help him, remember this publication and we are having a hard time. I think we should all reflect on this.

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