Answering you some questions about Venezuelan crisis situation

Hi guys in this post i asked some friends to ask me question about what they wanna know better about the hardship in venezuela! , due the censure of media , to people internationaly is hard to understand what's happening here, so what is better than ask to somebody that lives here!!


To enter in context i want to start the post with this screenshot

Yes, we have a lot of oil resources but what most people dont know is that venezuelan government derives 96% of the foreign currency from oil to pay debts or regulated products.

And everything that Venezuela produces is oil, we have to import everything! so now the expenses are even greater than the revenues, increasing the international debt more and more

  1. What happened to cause this situation:

Well, inflation happened, and it all started when President Hugo Chavez began to expropriate private companies and put them in charge under incompetent people to run those companies, which quickly led to bankruptcy. The expropriations lost the confidence of international investors, and stopped foreign investments.

The expropriated companies were taken to the bankruptcy, diminishing the production of the country, causing that they began to scarce the products.

As a measure to the shortage of products of first necessity the president designated days for the purchase of these products:

You could only buy these "regulated" products if your identification number ends in:

Monday -> 1 and 2
Tuesday -> 3 and 4
Wednesday -> 5 and 6
Thursday -> 7 and 8
Friday-> 9 and 0
Saturday-> from 1 to 5
Sunday -> 6 to 0

When designating a day for the purchase the people who can not attend that day must buy the products resold at higher prices and there the black hole began

2.How do you see people having to cope/survive

The first thing you can see in the face of people is how they have lost weight over the years, to survive many people now do not eat the 3 meals a day, they feed little to try to lengthen the food through the days. and the little income produced is spent on food.

 3.Explain how hard it is to get food and basic goods cause of the insane inflation?

I really wish it woul be like in any other country that you go to a supermarket and that's all... but na :(

if you are an average venezuelan that earn 4$ at month , the only way you have is to make long queue in supermarket to get littles amount of food. and then make long queue in farmacys to get shampoo at good price

that's because you cant do nothing with the minimun wage on venezuela... and that's happening now, in december prices increased so bad that i'm scared to think what will of this country on january:(

in Venezuela there is the president, a constituent national assembly formed by 420 assembly members "elected by the people", they are all chavistas (supporters to the government). around the president there are 40 ministers of justice, health, environment, science and technology, oil and several more, just to name a few.

is the supreme court that is in charge of the laws of our country

all these powers should be autonomous and enforce the laws.

But since they are all partisans of the government they do what the president says, making the president have absolute power over the country.

It is assumed that the political positions have a specific duration, but our president changes from one ministry to another to each person, making them always the same ministers and they respond to the president.

The recent economic sanctions that the United States took against Venezuela affected our country since 80% of the money that enters our country comes from the purchase of oil from the United States and with that, imports and public employees and all other expenses are paid , since Venezuela does not have its own production, it depends primarly on the sale of oil.

Yes, steemit can make the life better for an average venezuelan person, if the do well. starting with the simple reason that a minimum wage is $ 4, with steemit you can earn a lot more with a post.

Let's not forget that steemit is also a social network where you can promote your work skills, so steemit can also become a source of employment, earning in dollars you can afford to live in venezuela.

And yes, most people have access to the internet through a smartphone, the service is cheap, but what is not cheap is the smartphone, with a cost higher than 5 times the minimum wage, if someone steals your phone (something that happens very often) it will be very difficult to get a new one.

Well guys, I hope you have found this type of publication interesting, if you have any questions or something that you would like to discuss, it would be good if you could comment it and like that we could continue with this type of posts.

That's all guys, I hope it was informative

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