I made this post because for nobody is a secret the crisis that is going through Venezuela. We have a crisis in food, in the social field and in medicines (imagine how dangerous that is). In the middle of this crisis I was looking for alternatives to earn my living and to continue studying, in this search I found steemit and at least in my case I have been greatly benefited steemit, has been changing my life !!
Thanks to steemit I can now carry out projects that I had in mind, that maybe I just thought of them as an idea, but now I have the tools I need to get them done! and of course, why stay with this benefit for myself? If that was money I generated through other people, why not take this and help people who are on the street without a home? That's why I decided to gather a small part of these profits to buy food and take them to those people who may not have something to eat and this will cheer them the day and their belly.
I recommend watching the video to enjoy the whole experience!
This really was born to me because Steemit has helped me a lot !! and I did not want to keep this benefit for myself, just as I was helped, I can help others, to people who really need it.
2kg de flour bread (harina pan), 1 butter and 1kg of cheese were used to brighten the day for several homeless people.
For those who do not know, arepa is the typical Venezuelan food, here we have breakfast and dinner with arepas ... but with the crisis this has been a challenge, the flour bread is not obtained in supermarkets and to obtain it we have to buy it resold at high prices, not so easily accessible for people with limited resources.
The first batch of Arepas cooking!
Look at that arepas tower! haha a delicious tower. The second batch of arepas cooking!
I want you to know that all this is possible thanks to steemit and thanks to you guys thank you very much! Thank you, seriously.
Here they are wrapped up and ready to deliver to the people in the street, to enjoy!
I made a total of 25 arepas because the cheese ran out. On the next occasion for sure i will do more !! This is the first time but not the only one.
Ok, get to work! Lets go to the street!
I met this man on the way to the central hospital of my city. He was lying sleeping in cartons in the street I approached him and gave him the arepa, his emotion was so much that I decided to give him two and he got even more excited !!
I asked heim, are you happy? and his response was:
Of course I am happy because I do not lack the daily bread, to me and to every human being. they don't deserve lack the food. I am grateful for you and do this for venezuela
** you can enjoy better all this experience watching the video**
My dad also helped spread the love of steemit !!
Here I am in Central Hospital, where there are many people in need, others waiting for their parients, there are even people in street condition seeking support and many people are not supported. So let's find them and give them even a small dinner, if it's just an arepa but that helps!
I invite you to watch the video to enjoy better this experiencie, if a picture says more than a thousand words then a video says more than a thousand images.
I am very happy because thanks to you I have managed to fulfill one of my dreams that is to help those people in street condition who have a really big need. Their faces showed their joy, their excitement at receiving this food, since many people of them might not even have eaten anything today except for this contribution and with our help they ate.
I helped them thanks to you. I also hope to continue doing this with your contribution and in next time not only give 1 arepa for each, nor 25 in total, i hope to give 50 ... 100 arepas !! and not only food but also give them clothes, shoes, flannels ...
Thank you very much for helping me to help them !!
i also want to give a especial thanks to @SirCork

for helping me in all the way to this post. You are a great man with a big heart my friend <3 Thanks VERY VERY MUCH for all your help my friend