(Re)verification and why my (and possibly your) verification sucked

Hey Steemit!

After testing the waters of Steemit with my very first (and admittedly quickly slapped together) post and browsing through a few introduction posts, I have learned a very important lesson: Steemit users scrutinize verification pictures like they're evidence in a crime scene. I also learned, by extension, that my verification photo kind of sucked balls (pardon my French) and brought in questions of whether or not I'm "real".

Real #butthurt

Apparently some people have discovered that tits and the pretty girls they are attached to can make some easy money; others have found that ripping off talent can also be quite profitable for as long as no one calls them out on it (shame on you!). Therefore, a quality verification post can be paramount to a (real) person's success, especially when it comes to looks and/or talents. Once someone calls out "fake!" a post can crash harder than a fat kid off a diving board.

Courtesy illustrative gif

How I (Sorta) F@#$%'d Up

I didn't think this was all that bad for a verification photo... but there are things that could be improved to remove doubt - and doubt is what can screw an awesome post over.

When you take a selfie or a picture off your webcam, usually the picture is a mirror image. If you're taking a verification photo like a typical selfie, you need to flip it. Proooobably should also remove the watermark off whatever crappy website you found after Googling "take photo with webcam". (Woopsies ^^;). It also helps if it clearly looks like you're holding the paper.... not just having a piece of paper floating beside your face... kinda like how mine was.

Other Friendly Don'ts

Firstly: stop Photoshopping!
Even if you are real, it still looks like crap, you're still going to get called out, and you're going to make everyone on Steemit be even more weary of new posters. Try to show your face, and make sure your photo wasn't taken on a potato. I've seen a few otherwise decent posts be called into question because the quality was cruddy.

And for the love of all things Steemit, when someone questions whether or not your account is real, don't get defensive and butthurt and call the community sexist/losers/etc. etc. If anything it continues to take away from your validity. Post a new (better) photo, say "ta-da!", and be done with it.


In all seriousness, it is very disheartening to see others impersonate people for profit, and I commend the community for displaying a low tolerance for such. A community that has the ability to self-moderate and speculate is a strong one, and I'm glad these accounts are being cracked down on. ♥

Thanks for the read, lovelies! ♥
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