I've been thinking of making a Veteran graphic for some time since GuiltyParties.com is run by a group of veterans, myself included.
Last night I saw a post by @jdawg rallying Steemit members to create a real Veteran Community here on the platform.
It's black as there's nothing illustrious about being a veteran. We're regarded by the majority of society as something between a stray dog and raccoon. We exist and everyone recites the "thank you for your service" line before fucking us over, cutting us off on the road because our veteran plates mean we may or may not be elderly, or denying us discounts because our IDs got ragged over the years and the bastards at Veterans Affairs won't issue new ones.
I'll make some more as I think of designs. Feel free to use on your posts as needed or edit the larger PNG.
Original post: @jdawg/please-help-me-create-steemit-s-new-community-to-support-military-veterans-veterans