RIP SGT Michael Barkey 7-7-2004

Well, Buddy. It's this day again. The day you left us thirteen years ago. It never gets easier.

I'll always remember the day we passed that mangled five-ton truck on Highway 1 with our unit's identifier displayed clearly on the bumper. We knew it was bad. The drive around Lake Habbaniyah were the longest hours of my life. Time seemed to pass in slow motion.

Arriving back at Al Taqaddum we still had to unload our trucks before they gave us the news. Damn funny ain't it.

When they called us into formation you could feel the tension in the air. Captain Brown asked us to come in closer to him and I remember the list of names of the injured being read. Then we were told we had lost you.

I remember Darcie running to the back of the formation. I remember it was like the world stopped.

Well Mikey, the world still turns freely.
But on July 7, my world always stops for you.
I miss you Brother

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