5 very good animated shorts films. (First delivery).

Hi Steemians, this is the first delivery of animated shorts that are not so well known. I hope you enjoy it.


Alma (2009 - Fantasy, Mystery)

Alma, a little girl, jumps through the snowy streets of a small town. It strikes a strange doll in an old showcase of toys. Fascinated, Alma decides to enter.

The Backwater Gospel (2011 - Horror, Western)

From memory, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the arrival of death. Until one day, the gloomy promise fails and the tension grows as the people of the God-fearing people of Backwater wait for someone to die.

Sebastian's Voodoo (2008 - Horror)

A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pricked to death.

Memory (2013 - Psychological Horror)

Addicted to drugs and living in the streets, Vincent ends up in an abandoned house, where a dark and twisted entity forces him to face his repressed past.

The Maker (2011 - Fantasy / Musical)

A strange creature runs against time to make the most important and beautiful creation of his life.

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