A video I watched today. Enlightening stuff about Racism and Slavery.

I most definitely need to share this video with you guys.

Turns out there is this guy Gazi Kodzo on YouTube, who's basically a black racist, and this guy that goes by the name Abster Inc. who I didn't even know existed yet (I'm following him on YouTube now), caught this one as a guest video on Suit Yourself's channel) made this excellent history lesson for everyone to show that American slavery of the blacks is not that black and white issue many liberal progressives of today seem to think.

This video is a part of a trilogy where Abster Inc. analyzes how people like Gazi Kodzo come about.

He starts with introducing Gazi Kodzo and playing clips from some of Gazi's earlier videos, and makes it a quest to find out what caused Gazi to turn into the black supremacist racist that he is today.

In the first part of the trilogy he will go through some of the History of Slavery, and how it born out of simple need for survival, and how it shaped through times, and how it was later abolished by both non-slaves and slaves.

He goes through plenty of good points on how slavery wasn't just a white man's invention, and how blacks were actually sold from Africa as slaves to the rich English plantation owners. He mentions the fact that the history that is full of slavery, and that the whole history of slavery itself was inevitable for any tribe's survival, and explains the logic behind of it all. He also makes the case that if the black slavery were ended by a collective revolt, it would have just exchanged the outcome into black people being the slave owners instead, and that only after the technological and scientific advances that made life much easier for everyone, it made possible the abolition of slavery by all parties involved.

I hope everyone will watch this video. Especially if you think white people are to blame for slavery just because their ancestors did it.

I also welcome discussion on this subject. Please be polite, we are all entitled to our opinions, but I will use my huge voting power to downvote and flag anyone who thinks they have a right to make a shitstorm in my comments. Courtesy and respect will be obligatory!

Thank you! :) I will now eat some lunch, and then I'll take the camera and go out to hunt for today's photo.

Oh, and if you liked the video, go subscribe to Abster Inc., and do check out Suit Yourself too, on YouTube!

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