My first Animation: "Stick Figthers"(funds to emigrate from Vzla)


My name is Hykert , an animator, illustrator and writer with experiences and creativity for show my stories.
This is a this is one of my the first animations. published aproxamating 2010. I am from Venezuela (i seak native spanish) so please excuse my English, i do this for incresed my money in this country where to live it is so hard, and i am saving money for emigrate of my country . However i am here to start in the new world of Steemit, this videos was not translated however the dialogs is short and not is very important to know the plot, I will promished translate my next works, I apologize for that.

Stick Figthers.

It is a flash animation created to Improve fluency I have in This Program Usually in scenes of fights and energetic movements. That was Basically the purpose of the animation but I take the taste and I Decided to make the second part of this story.
Story who I create in essence is not to make simple stickman fight Because my thought was not to fight without history.

The plot:

Basically this is to stick to scroll That steals from a village and others want to get WHO That scroll. It was influenced by naruto but Directly Anything Can Happen.

This is Stick Figthers
( )

As I said before the first episode was just to gain some experience but the second, if I did for an additional taste.


Wait my next post (proyects) and I'm wait your help with a Like!

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