How To Support (Instead of Suppress!) Simple Yet Profound Experiences In Childhood That Shape Who We Are

I am very pleased that my last post on parenting was well received, and there were many requests for more on this topic! 

Honestly I am thrilled by that, as parenting is of the utmost importance to me! In fact, one of the favorite of my quotes is a bold statement: ~*~Almost all the world’s problems start with parenting, thus the solutions to the world’s problems lie in New Paradigm parenting~*~

So while that quote embodies the fullness of what I mean, it doesn't really address any kind of specifics to practical life. I would like to use that quote as the foundation for my posts on parenting/family/life, and in each post address more practical aspects of life that are likely to be of importance to almost any parent. 

If you did not check out my last post on parenting, please do so as it has a lot of background information and foundational consciousness about who I am as a being and as a father. 

I literally have thousands of photos and hours of videos documenting the very raw and alive life the children and I have shared over the years. 

This video was recorded about 3 years ago and was actually brought back to my attention by a friend who was commenting on the simple profound realizations he had through this video. So I felt why not share it all with you here on Steemit!

This video is of @qiqi-power when she was almost 3 years old. As you will see in the video, she is helping me make a bunch of scrambled eggs and wants to scramble them with her hands. This of course is not the way that it is "supposed to be done", nor the way adults would do it, nor something most adults would allow. 

While this exact experience is not critical, experiences like this ARE! 

Adults often forget how exciting the many new facets of life can be for children and how important they are to their well-rounded comprehension and adaptation to their world. There are so many sensational experiences and explorations of how the world works that go into development in early years of childhood that adults have forgotten about or have no comprehension of. 

Something may appear to be irresponsible or bad to an adult, yet to the child it may be the greatest experience.

This is a great example of an experience that QiQi was not only thoroughly immersed in, but got fulfillment from! She's never needed to do this again. If I would have told her "you can't do this!" for whatever justified reason my adult mind could come up with (there are many), not only would she have been upset, but in the back of her mind she would still want to do it and when she does do it behind my back, she may wind up making a much bigger mess or wasting a lot of eggs because of the dysfunction of the experience. By giving her freedom to do what she wants in a responsible way, not only does she enjoy herself and learn important things about how the world works, but she does it responsibly. 

This is one of many everyday critical moments. It's as simple and complex as that.

I hope you enjoy this video and even though it is so simple, I also hope you get something profound out of it because of the content shared here. Not only is parenting a huge part of my life, but I have also found that it just may be the most important/influential part of life, and thus deserves WAY more exploration and evolution. 

Parenting is the foundation of all of our lives, for better or for worse... 

I feel it’s very important to address some of the core consciousness in regards to parenting/family, as not only is it of the utmost importance to me, but I have also started to post a lot more about family life here on Steemit due to the success of @qiqi-power and @noki-power, the Steemit accounts for my two daughters. 

You can find their introduce yourself posts and much more there. 

(The SteemPowerSisters @qiqi-power and @noki-power)

These are our sustainable home made SuperPowerOutfits! Imagination and play are the key to fun - not fancy stuff!

(3 children having fun while washing mason jars, using well water from our land!)

@qiqi-power and @noki-power not just making their own fried eggs, but doing it over open flame on a hand made earthen rocket stove in an outdoor kitchen!)

I feel that the most influential changes humanity can make for a healthier and happier future lie in the evolution of parenting/education. Because of this, parenting is of the utmost importance to me and I feel it is one of the most valuable contributions I can make to the world. 

In future posts, I hope to share what parenting is like from my perspective and how parenting can be not only successful, but enjoyable as well. At some level, all parents want is for their children to be a success. 

Unfortunately, the way parenting/education is generally addressed does not result in real success, especially success that guarantees health, freedom, fulfillment, and happiness. 

I really hope this topic and my perspective on the matter is of interest and value. Please comment and let me know! 

Almost all the world’s problems start with parenting, thus the solutions to the world’s problems lie in New Paradigm parenting~*~

∞§∞We are the power∞§∞

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is so insanely high at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem and powering up of course!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!


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