My new secret travel companion - The DJI Osmo Mobile Unboxing and Testing !

Dear Steemit Friends:


For people who have followed me for some time, you will know that whilst travelling, I love to take pictures as and make videos. I think this is a really good way of capturing the feeling and atmosphere I experienced there. I like to think that my every day life is like a holiday and almost everything I do is worth recording the moment, the problem is that lugging my DSLR around is quite tiring, and because it's so heavy, I often make wobbly or blurry videos. For example, below..

Today, I found a device that can greatly help those with wobbly hands. So, let me introduce it to everyone!

DJI Osmo Mobile was something I came across whilst searching for tutorials and tips on how to make better videos. As my first video making companion to my mobile phone, I was so anxious and excited when buying the Osmo mobile. Below you can see the excitement in my face as I unbox my new toy!

This is what you get in the box. Of course, the handheld gimbal is the main thing but you also get a safety rope, usb charging cable, a protective case/bag, and a battery. I really love the bag, I think it adds a nice finishing touch to the whole set.

The most important use for the Osmo is for stabilising your camera (in my case, my phone). It is essentially a 3 Axis Gimbal for your mobile phone. But aside from this, it also comes with some other neat features in the DJI Go software which is used along side the Osmo. For instance, the Active Track feature which can make the camera follow a selected object or person, and of course different kinds of time-lapse photography / videography. The active track feature is actually used in the DJI Drones such as the Phantom 4. I introduced this already in a previous post.


Below let's take a closer look at the handheld gimbal. Even though it might look like a selfie stick, it is of course much more advanced. The whole design of the gimbal is very thought out, all the buttons are placed in natural and easy to reach places, and the handle / grip is very ergonomic, even for my small little hands.

When switched off and held in the hand, the gimbal moves very freely.

As soon as you turn it on, it springs to life! The gimbal's joystick and zoom features give me a sense of control that I could not achieve without the device. It also gives me a small taster of the more advanced tools professionals use to shoot their videos and movies with.

Pan up and pan down is also very flexible!

Swinging left and right!

Zoom function!

Four different shooting modes : Standard, Portrait and Underslung.

Flashlight mode!

The most amazing thing is, when you move your hand around quite aggressively, the phone remains in balance and stable.

Next I want to show you guys what using the Osmo is like when filming whilst running. I got my friend to hold my iPhone without the Osmo, and another phone on the Osmo to film me running. Because the iPhone 7 has Optical Image Stabilisation, it's actually fairly good in this test, but the Osmo is still better! Check out the video below!

After seeing the video comparison, I hoped I've sparked some curiosity into everyone and hopefully you'll be looking forward to seeing more videos captured with the help of the Osmo. I hope you liked my review, and stay tuned for lots of content coming soon with the Osmo !



今天,我找到了能够拯救手抖“患者”的神器。现在就和大家分享一下吧!DJI灵眸Osmo 手机云台是我在网络搜索手机拍摄技巧时候找到的宝贝,作为我第一个手机摄影配件,我在买它的当天激动极了,所以录下了我拆开它包装盒的样子,下面就请大家看看我那张急于探索未知的脸。这是osmo mobile所有配件的全家福——稳定杆当然是主角,还有挂绳、电源线、盘齿保护盖、电池,我最喜欢的要数这个配套的软包,整体的设计非常酷。Osmo最重要的作用当然就是维持拍摄时设备的稳定,Osmo Mobile就是一款典型的手机用三轴稳定器。除了稳定这个最大特点,它的智能化功能——智能跟随和移动延时摄影也是亮点,智能跟随这个功能和之前为大家介绍的无人机也有相同之处。


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