All Play Friday with topkpop - Radio Recording - EP2


Episode 2

Episode 2 was a wonderful music laden time. This week I was without my live audience, whom I adored coming in to chat, make me laugh, amd play some games with me last week. I cannot wait to get back on it this week and have my live show back. For those of you who tried to tune in at my normal time, there were some difficulties and the Episode wasn't able to be played at that time. So, if you were one of those wonderful people who did try to listen at the same topkpop time as scheduled, then just know that you are amazing, and in this post I am including the recording for you to hear.

What is All Play Friday with topkpop?

All Play Friday with topkpop is the newest online radio show to hit the web. It is a fresh and fun Variety radio show. Everyweek is a little bit different with a variety of segments for the evening. A live stream is shown on, youtube and twitch. Live audience conversations are held in the steemstar-audience room of YouareHOPE's discord server.

This Week's Show

This week's show was pre-recorded. I missed my wonderful audience and their participation. Due to concert tickets I had, I was unable to do a live show this week so pre-recorded and had a lot of music this time around. This is a short and simple recap of the show:

  • Monologue
  • Chat
  • Original music from Steemit musicians

Episode 2 Recording

Music Featured on This Week's Show

Run to the Past - John Dewar @johndewarEmpire - WVM @wvmBlue Roses - @ivanc

Tropic of Capricorn - Frozen Waves @ivan.atmanOn the Beach - Lodestone @amberyooperHammock - Seveaux @seveaux
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Gratitude - Jamisun @jamisonicPop It!! - D-VINE @d-vineFlawless (Oh my god) - X4OL1N @enginewitty

Criminal (Panoptic) - DEROSNEC @derosnecNo More Reignin - Bonnie Legion @soundlegionLo Que Nacedel Suelo - Olvidé san telmo @luisferchav

BADACID - Acidcage @aleoniChouraha - Alif @hardikvOne Look At You - WeR³ @klynic & @the-mobz

Descend - Ruins of Isa @isariaChillout - Patryk Maryniok @maureis

I am always looking for New Music to feature from Steemit Musicians

If you have an Original Song that you would like heard, please don't hesitate to comment below. I am always looking for new Original Music by Steemit Musicians to feature. The songs you submit to me will be considered for broadcast on my show. If you do submit your music, you are giving me permission to continue to promote it on my show (in current and all future shows) and in my pre and post articles I write. Everytime your song is featured on a new show of mine, you will get credited (name mentioned and featured) on my post-show article. I can only take songs that are not signed with any company as I cannot pay any licensing or royalty fees, this is purely to get your music into more ears and to get your music promoted more.

Tune in Every Friday on

Join in on the live audience chat on Discord @


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