When I first heard of viral marketing, I had no clue what it was.  I just thought it was more fancy lingo that didn't mean crap and people were just saying it to sound intelligent.  I also thought it had something to do with viruses.  Boy was I way off.

Ok, so here's the deal.  First of all VIRAL MARKETING. What that means is simply your information gets passed onto one person and that one person doesn't share your stuff just because you tell them to; they've got better things to do.  They share your stuff because it's good.  For example.. I created this site a long time ago www.daehbew.weebly.com, and that has a bunch of my favorite sites, it's like a portal for me.  However, I didn't put any of that stuff on there because the other companies told me to; I did it because their services/tools are very useful.

So, now that you know what VIRAL MARKETING is, let's take the whole viral thing to the next level and how you can put it to use.

People what material that THEY CAN USE.  There is no extent to how creative you can get with this, but here is an example.  You create an eBook.  In that eBook you reveal the very same marketing method you use that generates you $500 a week.  You with me so far?  I know, it's your precious secret, and you don't want to just give it away.  However, information like that would definately be worth reading, not just reading, but definitely worth passing on.

Next, when you create that eBook, you put at the footer and header of each page, your website or link or whatever; the next thing for you to do is just give away your material and let it spread > VIRAL.

Make sure to include in your eBook that you ALLOW REPRODUCTION, that distributing your eBook is OK! If the end user wants to sell your eBook on eBay, let them! That's all part of the viral life cycle.  On the flip side you can just be stingy, keep your trade secret, and keep your website to your self, then there is no viral and 5,739,183 people miss out on finding out about your website.

So now you and I both know what VIRAL MARKETING is.  Isn't this powerful?


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