An introducton and overview or me, virtualgrowth, and my investing / investment fund idea(s)

Investing and trading have been hobbies, interests, love, and passions of mine for over three decades since I was a teenage investing and trading in many collectibles starting at the age of five. This when I got my first coin book and introduced to a collection to fill. This lead to investing and trading with antiques, cards, coins, currency, sports cards, sports memorabilia, stamps, toys and more. About a decade ago I played with virtual currencies in virtual stock markets in the virtual world of Second Life like many others. But regulation was tricky and investing was quite dangerous. There scams, bankruptcies, thefts, and the like that had to be avoided when / if possible. I have managed well through all these experiences which I bring to the creation of "@virtualgrowth" my mind's character that seeks "virtual growth" and a way to share this through my discovery, experiences, knowledge, and skills.
Over the past year I have dived deeper into cryptocurrencies and their communities. Finding myself involved with steem(it) and being invited and introduced to so many things! Parts of which are a continuation of my dreams and goals since my childhood through attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts which fit me well and provided a foundation to who and what I am. Even finding myself as some part of the marketing committee for Bitshares among many other places in these crypto spaces that many of us have come to discover and love. Many may want to thank @officialfuzzy for simply noticing me and what I do and inviting me to speak on #beyondbitcoin hangouts.
Now finding myself with a variety of tokens created by many thoughts of my mind. Will start with VIRGROW which is currently avaialble on bitshares. Current stats and information may be found on VIRGROW's cryptofresh page.
These tokens will be traded against various cryptocurrencies and crypto assets. Overall strategy will be to seek to find value in upward trending price values with a mixture of holding and trading. One of the beauties of the decentralized exchanges is that anyone may look at virtualgrowth's account anytime and audit the account anytime.
Overview of virtual-growth shows Balances, Open Orders, Margin Positions, and Recent Activity.
Holders & Traders (81)
80 accounts hold some VIRGROW with a total of 94.025 VIRGROW between all of them.
Quantity | Type | BTS Value | STEEM Value |
0.4924 | bitCNY | 4 | 0.240 |
1.25 | bitEUR | 80 | 4.798 |
0.0003 | bitGOLD | 26 | 1.559 |
0.398 | bitSILVER | 461 | 27.650 |
14.8987 | bitUSD | 868 | 52.062 |
365.9741 | BLOCKPAY | 6385 | 382.966 |
50 | BROWNIE.PTS | 58 | 3.479 |
0.0510413 | BTC | 4078 | 244.594 |
15502.66951 | BTS | 15503 | 929.854 |
0.00005 | BTWTY | 71 | 4.259 |
0.00141728 | DASH | 8 | 0.480 |
8881.9505 | DOGE | 277 | 16.614 |
0.103053 | ETH | 567 | 34.008 |
0.010016 | ETH | 55 | 3.299 |
0.23135659 | GOLOS | 1 | 0.060 |
4.234082 | GRC | 4 | 0.240 |
1.0264 | ICOO | 83 | 4.978 |
129.1873 | OBITS | 1017 | 60.999 |
114.70423 | RUBLE | 126 | 7.557 |
1334 | SOLCERT | 947 | 56.800 |
33.285 | STEEM | 572 | 34.308 |
4576.6071 | STEEMFACTORY | 8238 | 494.107 |
2743.2293 | TASKMANAGER | 11359 | 681.301 |
37425.5181 | TRAIL | 944 | 56.620 |
2.76 | USD | 150 | 8.997 |
6.4 | WANGCHANGE | 55565 | 3332.731 |
TOTALS | 107447 | 6444.56 |
Quantity | Type | BTS Value | STEEM Value |
251 | WANGCENTS | 21791 | 1307.002 |
Capital | BTS | STEEM |
VIRGROW holder equity | 59864 | 3590.583 |
virtualgrowth equity | 25792 | 1546.979 |
TOTALS | 85656 | 5137.562 |
Buy and sell orders have been placed in recent top daily volume trading pairs. Current buy orders are at 50% that of sell order price levels. Over the course of this month the buy prices will increase at a rate of about 1% to 2% or more per day to a minimum of 81+%. Part of the goal is to create a trade-able asset that is a diverse mixture of other assets that provides liquidity. This liquidity will be provided by chosen assets with prices that have an upward trend. More of this virtualgrowth's mission and idea will be shared and put in place over the course of this coming month.
vGX is available for trade on the tradeqwik exchange at 2 VIVA (+/- 38.188 STEEM) each. Exchanges for vGX will be exchanged through profitable trades trading with VIVAs and offer to buy back vGX at higher prices with profits shared between management and vGX holders. More details will be provided soon along with the first report.