Steem Up Your Life! It's Not (Only) About The Money - It's About The Vision ✈

'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.' - Eleanor Roosevelt

Life has become tough and expensive.

It is challenging us. But it's definitely not challenging our dreams.

Here's my dream: The best is yet to come!

Steem Up Your Life!

I think we all have them: these dreams inside ourselves that want to come out and breath on their own.

In two days I'll take off to a place I've been willing to visit for two decades now. Due to personal reasons I had to cancel my trip twice during the past years. There was a gremlin in there.

Now it's time to live that dream. 

'Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do...' - Alicia Keys (Empire State of Mine)

In times like these when regular jobs just manage to pay our fixed cost but not much more, when taxes kill any chance of a better lifestyle and going on vacation means going without other investments, then alternative earnings are highly appreciated.

The ticket I'm holding in my hand on the above copied picture has been paid with the money I've earned blogging on steemit. 

Actually the whole vacation - which will be two weeks long - is financed from my steemit blog.

steemit's vision is for real. Yes you definitely can participate in this network and get a better lifestyle in return!


The Paradigm Shift: Back To Autonomy

My dreams, my skills, my ressources, my money, my life. 

If steemit has told me something during the past months, then it's that we are straight on the way to a new evolutionary change. 

Established systems, institutions, rules and ideas based on the delegation of power, reliance on autority and bundling of forces and ressources are expiring. 

We are getting back to the roots: being our own master.

If you can't rely on anybody, then you can still rely on yourself.

Remember that when you switch on your computer the next time and log-on to this platform: it's a shiny puzzle piece of a completely new world, where you're going to be more autonomous than ever. 

Happy steeming ✈

Marly - 

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