Ode to VIVAcoin

I am perhaps the opposite of a social media addict. That’s why I offered my vocals to the VIVA promotion efforts. Unfortunately, I'm unable to sing this week due to a bad case of the sniffles (sorry @merej99) but all is not lost. I may not be able to make a video but I can still write lyrics! I’ve come up with two short jingles for VIVAcoin. Anyone can use them (and I’m hoping at least someone will):

(To whatever tune pops in your head and fits the lyrics)
What would you do
If you were paid to be you?
Would you write that novel
Or invent something new?
You wouldn’t just sit around
If you had a VIVA Crown
In a world full of things
Left to do


(To the tune of “When the Saints go Marching in”)
Oh when the bots,
Oh when the bots,
Oh when the bots come for your jobs
I bet you’ll want
Universal Basic Income
When the bots come for your joooobs!

I’d love to see a dancing robot and the VIVA coin logo for the second one but don’t let me stifle your creativity. Steem on and VIVA la Revolucion!

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