The $157 Daily Story; How To Earn Living Wage While You Do What You Love In A World Where There Are No Jobs.


If your first reaction to the title is "SCAM!!!" (with nothing less than three exclamation marks), I totally understand.

If it made you curious, then you should read more.

If you think it's clickbait, LOL!

Of all the uncertainties surrounding us, the one thing that is certain is that the future of money and finance is nothing like what we're currently used to.

The job market is all shades of messed up and unemployment is everywhere. With no job, there's little or no source of income for most people and the rest of the world is just fine with it.

But what if I told you that in the future of finance, it is possible for you to earn a living wage while you do what you love in a world where there are no jobs.

Oh yeah I already did, in the title. Now let's get down to how this is possible.

VIVA makes it possible for you to earn a living wage while you do what you love in a world where there are no jobs.

In 5 simple steps!

  • Own VIVA coins either by buying on TradeQwik or turning your computer to your employee

  • Send/transfer your VIVA coins to the VIP (VIVA Investment Pool) and set it to be in Compound Mode.

  • Allow your VIVA coins to compound and fill up in the VIP.

  • Once it has filled up and you're ready to withdraw, switch from Compound Mode to Withdrawal Mode.

  • You then start to receive 24 VIVA coins daily. Multiply 24 by the value of VIVA at that time to get the value of your daily earnings.

(if you're familiar with steemit, it's something like powering down)

  • You keep receiving 24 VIVA daily until you exhaust your account.

It is that simple.

So no, VIVA is not a get rich quick scheme.

You're not going to start earning $157 daily overnight.

And $157 is actually just an example value. What you really earn daily is 24 VIVA coins.

How do you buy VIVA coins with SBD? - @chrisaiki/how-to-buy-viva-coin-from-sbd-with-tradeqwik

@williambanks - your "living wage..." analogy is superb. Thanks for coming up with it!

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