URGENT!!! VIVA Needs Your Help To Takeoff


This is a very short, straight to the point call for help.

VIVA is all about people and now she needs people to help her.

Please, go support the Thunderclap campaign

All you need do is signup with any of your social media accounts (twitter, facebook or tumblr) and on May 1st, a message will be sent out via your account informing the world of our ICO. The message to be sent is visible in the blue box and it's a one-time message. No risk of spam.

There's a minimum number of supporters we are supposed to hit and we are currently still far from this target. A minimum of 250 people. You don't even need to own any VIVA before you can be a part of this campaign, just a love for us and what we do.

So please, hurry now to support our Thunderclap campaign before we run out of time. And then convince your friends to do the same.

Thank You!

If you're yet to sign up, there's a surprise if you follow this link now

Catch up with us:
Chat - https://chat.vivaco.in
Steemit - @vivacoin
Twitter - https://twitter.com/viva_coin
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/vivacoin
Blog - http://blog.vivaco.in

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