Why VIVA will be the next generation of crypto? Simplicity in a complex environment.

Beyond technical considerations, I was seduced by the Viva approach: a simple concept, simple operation and a complete solution. I therefore approach the subject from the angle of a future uninitiated user.



Viva is an economic system using crypto-currency. Its objective is to provide a basic income. It's simple, it's practical. You probably will not get very rich but you will have a substantial residual income as long as you participate.

Viva is not a game, is not a lottery but a financial tool. I get a reward for the work I do.

So, let's forget the great concepts of blockchain, decentralization, transparency, etc. They are present in Viva but they are only tools that the user does not need to know the how of the why to achieve the goal.

With VivaConomy, we do not try to change the world, to make the world of tomorrow, but simply how to improve the world today, how to meet the immediate needs.


There are two types of members: Crown holders and Vivos.
• The Crown holder acquires a license to "print" the currency and maintain the value of the Vivacoin around $ 5.50 USD.
• The Vivos participate in the activities of the Vivaconomy.

When registering, the new member receives two accounts: a current account and a Viva Investment Pool (VIP). If the VIP is in "compound" mode, the earnings will be used to increase your participation power otherwise they will be deposited in the current account to spend them according to your wishes.

The social network

Among the activities, 25% of the global liquidity poll is allocated to the platform's social network.

• Each vivo can create, publish articles, videos, etc.
• Each day, each vivo receives a limited number of votes each worth $ 1 USD that must be used otherwise they are returned to the global liquidity pool.
• Voting is attributed to content or persons without any time limit.
• Votes received are deposited each day. if your account is in compounding mode, this is used to acquire more stake in the pool, otherwise it's credited directly to your current account in your wallet to spend as you wish.

The worker node

Another way to participate in the Vivaconomy is to "rent" your computer. By installing a program on your device, it will be connected to the Viva network. When available, it will perform data processing tasks. The payment will be deposited as soon as the task is completed.

Others projets

Viva plans to develop other projects to which the Vivos can participate.

The financial market

Instead of wanting to impose an economy based on cryptos, Viva proposes a currency at par with local currencies. So, $ 1 vUSD = $ 1 USD, $ 1 vCAD = $ 1 CAD. Merchants therefore do not need to change their payment system.

All operations of the Vivaconomy are carried out with TradeQwik exchange. It is both a portfolio and a gateway for exchanges between crypto and fiat currencies.

It is also the tool that allows:
• Make trading between many cryptos
• Transfer money from person to person
• Transfer to MasterCard in any currency fiat
• Used in a VIVA ATM.

In short, Viva offers a platform that

• integrates regular currencies and cryptos
• allows all operations in one place without using any external applications.

According to the White Paper: https://s3.amazonaws.com/vivacoin/viva-white-paper-v-2-0.pdf
Website : https://vivaco.in/

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