Here's the deal.
One of the core, fundamental virtues of the VIVA project is also one of its most serious handicaps.
You see, whenever we talk about providing a stable, recurring income for all Vivos, people naturally start to get skeptical.
It seems too good to be true.
How could a nerdy tech project really make such a huge change in peoples' lives?
Just a couple of days ago, I was talking to someone and they said, "Dennis, I wouldn't even mention that part much. People are too cynical to even give you the benefit of the doubt."
Which got me thinking...
You see, I'm not a starry eyed adolescent (by far). I've got plenty of battle scars from the world of business to know that its always better to promise low and deliver high.
So my friend's advice didn't seem silly to me.
After all, why burn my own credibility if things don't work out?
So, after some long hard thought here's the conclusion I came to:
The VIVA Project is a long shot. It's the kind of project that can either change the course of history or fizzle out in a puddle of great intentions and forgotten dreams.
However, deep down I honestly believe it has a good chance of succeeding.
You see, it's founded on really solid technology, and the structure of the entire system fits together like a well thought out machine.
But can it pay the rent?
My take is that it will probably take some time before Vivos are able to begin withdrawing their daily 24 VIVA coins. The liquidity pool has to grow, and compound interest, while powerful, isn't instantaneous.
But here's the low down:
The real power behind this project are the business applications that will help the VIVAconomy grow. These real-world solutions provide the energy that the project needs in order to scale sufficiently.
And its precisely the years of business experience that I have in the tech industry that opened my eyes.
Will all of them be roaring successes? Probably not.
However, if only one or two really take off - that's enough.
And from what I've seen the odds are high that this will happen.
So, the answer to the question is, "yes, I believe with a little time you'll be able to pay the rent with the income provided by your VIVA Liquidity Pool stake."
Most importantly, the early adopters will get their first.
Want to learn more?
Be sure and read the White Paper and then head over to http://chat.vivaco.in and ask us a question or two.
All we can promise is to give you a straight answer!
@storyteller in chief
Listen. Think. Do.