How to buy a VIVA Crown with euro via kraken.

Ok, you have read the VIVAcoin white paper, you have look at the FAQ of the VIVAcoin website, you are decided to buy a VIVA Crown.

But you do not have bitcoin or ether or steem and you don't want to loose your time !!!
The cost of a Crown, May 1st is around 1 007 € (= 200 VIVAcoin)
Watch out, this price is going to increase of 1 VIVAcoin for each Crown sold.

Here is a way to buy a Crown with Euro.

Open a kraken account
After you deposit cash from your bank to your Kraken account, you can make an order to buy ETH on the exchange. When your order is filled, you can withdraw your ETH to TradeQwik.

Open a TradeQwik account

  • Go into the exchange section
  • Verify the exchange rate in VIVACROWN/VIVA
    This howto is based on an exchange rate of 200 VIVAcoin for 1 VIVACrown.

Make a wire transfer from your bank account to your kraken account : about 1067 €
Kraken will take a 10 € fee for this transfer.
Your bank will also fee you !

Go back to your Kraken account

  • Verify your balance in euro
  • Buy 17 ETH (if the price of Crown haven't increased!)

Go to your TradeQwik account

  • Go to the exchange section
  • Click on ETH
  • Paste your deposit address

Go to your Kraken account

  • Send your 17 ETH to your TradeQwik account using your TradeQwik deposit address
  • Go to your TradeQwik account
  • Go to the exchange menu
  • Choose VIVA/ETH
  • Buy 200 VIVAcoin with your 17 ETH
  • Buy 1 CROWN for 200 VIVA

You are a VIVA Crown holder. Congratulations !

The cryptocurrency environment offer many possibilities to do the same thing with other traders and other cryptocurrencies. If you have more time :

You can choose your trader on Bitcompare
You can choose another crypto : BTC, ETH, Steem...

If you spend to much time to compare the different possibilities, the VIVAcoin ICO may be terminated !

Go VIVA, Go !!!

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