Thank You ALL For Watching the VIVA ICO Videos

Before I post what could possibly be my final VIVA video I wanted to thank you for watching them and supporting the VIVA ICO. I am sure the daily postings of Viva Videos may have been overwhelming for some of my subscribers. I tried to make them as fun as possible and enjoyable to watch.

This last video was inspired by Monty Python-Bank Robber. The children did a wonderful job with their lines and I know my daughter, Lily, has truly enjoyed making these with me. It was time well spent between father and daughter. Today my son decided to join us. I was really surprised because he can be camera shy. I hope you all enjoy and thanks once again for supporting my blog throughout the VIVA May 1 ICO Campaign.

This video introduces It is designed to make moving money as simple as sending a text message. In fact, no app at all is required. is one of the first fully functional VIVA Business Applications that will be going live. For people all over the world who struggle to manage their money without easy access to banking, will be a godsend. Even better, the fees for every transaction processed is reinvested in the long term financial stability of all participants in the VIVAconomy.


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