***UPCOMING SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT*** VJ LIVE! Ep. 34 - Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Firebombing of Tokyo (why there is no morally legitimate justification)


Coercion-based collectivism is dangerous. This lesson should have been learned in the wake of these infamous bombings, but sadly, it was not.

Sadly, many well-meaning individuals still attempt to justify these horrific events.

August 6th was the 72nd anniversary of US military forces dropping the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. August 9th will be the anniversary of Nagasaki. Lesser known and lesser talked about are the deadly firebombings which occurred across the nation in March of 1945, devastating cities such as Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo. Operation Meetinghouse, as the firebombing of Tokyo was labeled by US forces, was the single deadliest air raid of the war, killing more than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Topics -

  • The bombing of Japan and individual self-ownership.

I find it shocking and extremely telling that even now, from our unique, information-rich vantage point here in 2017, many individuals still believe these bombings not only to have been "necessary," but even just. This is not too surprising coming from statists and nationalists, but even some self-labeled "Voluntaryists" have been suggesting to me as of late that these actions taken by a few men in planes, which indiscriminately slaughtered hundreds of thousands, were justified. This is a serious problem and gross logical error that needs to be addressed.

  • Common false narratives regarding the Japanese government's "unwillingness" to surrender.

High-ranking officials in the Japanese government made several attempts at surrender prior to these bombings, in spite of what we are often told or have been taught in public schools (statist indoctrination centers).

  • Culpability.

Ultimately, it is mindless order following individuals, brainwashed by the religion of statism, who actually pushed the buttons on the planes, pulled the triggers on the guns, and obeyed the corrupt dictates of politicians that are to be held responsible for the deaths that occurred throughout World War II.

The principle of self-ownership remains the only objective guiding principle by which a fair and just society may be built, based on compassion, in which innocent life being taken is not called "collateral damage," or a "necessary evil," but murder, and is dealt with as such.

Do you agree with this post? Disagree? Either way, be sure to tune into the livestream via YouTube and join the LIVE CHAT were I will be reading and discussing your comments on air! JUST CLICK ON THE VIDEO LINK BELOW!! SEE YOU TONIGHT!! (or tomorrow morning, or afternoon, as the case may be)

VJ LIVE! Ep. 34 - Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Firebombing of Tokyo (why there is no morally legitimate justification for mass murder) / 10:30 PM JST (Japan Standard Time).



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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