The Art of Not Putting your foot in your mouth


We all have those moments, we all have those friends or family members, that either at one point or the other or constantly do not think about things before it comes out of their mouths. These types of people are often referred to as having no filter. I believe that this is more of a not taking a moment to think about what you are saying.

We have so many examples in the public eye of people who do not think before they speak. There are people in high visibility occupations, ones that could cause wars, others that lead the people of today and tomorrow and do not take a moment to think about what they are saying and how it could be misconstrued.

What does it take to avoid putting your foot in your mouth?

It takes a moment. One moment. It might take a bit more and a deep breath depending up the type of person you are and your experience with how to put your foot in your mouth, otherwise, it takes no time at all. You stop and think for just a moment about what you are about to say, whether it is helpful, necessary, and kind. If what you were saying was not matching any of that, then perhaps what you were saying is unnecessary and uncalled for.

I have a friend who likes to be sarcastic or likes to make underhanded jokes. The thing is, all of the stuff that this person says actually contains his feelings. There have been jokes made about weight, skin color, intelligence, and even just some derogatory things that are meant to be a "joke" he says, but if you can read people, and also know his wife, they are just his way of saying what he feels. And you know what? All that says is that that person feels crappy. The stuff he spews half the time is just utterly mean-spirited crap. I think everyone is entitled to their fun and when you have friends that you rib I totally get that, but stuff like that eventually goes too far. Wouldn't it be better if it never went that far, to begin with? Yes of course, if everyone was completely happy and thought about themselves and each other this would be a great place. That is unrealistic. However, we can at least try to not spew out the crap, to not always have to make ourselves apologize because guess what? We just made someone mad, or just got misunderstood because we didn't take a moment to articulate what we wanted to say.

Be selfish, no one wants to apologize constantly

That's it right there. Do this for you. Does anyone ever feel great after they have hurt people? If they do, then those people I am sorry to say are sadistic. There is no good person out there who likes to inflict pain on people just because they are feeling bad. Yes, again, we do it. It doesn't mean we have to continue to. Think about it a minute. If you had someone in your life, and maybe you do, that constantly says the wrong thing, constantly comments and hurts other people, constantly spews their discontent with the world on to you, ask yourself this...Do they seem happy?

I bet the answer to that question is NO. So, if you find yourself doing those things, maybe that is a clue that you are not happy. Or if you find people you love or hang out with are doing that, again maybe it is a sign they are not happy. However, if it is you who is doing these things, and thus showing you are truly unhappy, then bingo! No, you know the problem. Now you know you are not happy. So, let's get selfish. Let's do what we can to make our situation better. Let's make us the happy ones. Guess what? After that happens, we are less likely to be that cruel. It starts with looking at yourself and thinking about how you interact with the world. The comments that you put out there and the self that you show the world will help you get closer and closer to that happiness.

To those that do think before they speak...Good Job

There is no more I need to add to this. Good for you.

I hope you enjoyed today's vlog. Thank you so much for reading and watching.

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



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