Hearts of Darkness - Plague of the Void Seeds / VoidArt COMPETITION

Pre-altered source image - jordygoovaerts-750531



Hi, for those of you who haven't yet read a Hearts of Darkness post. It is a Science Fiction fantasy adventure series. It is being written on the go.....at the moment I post on the day I finish the section and write notes about two posts ahead. It is original material posted on Steemit only.

There are several characters and objects within the world that my cherished readers have expressed an interest in and have asked for graphical depictions based on my descriptions. I am a terrible artist and it was suggested that some of the fabulous artistic talent within the Steemit community might take part in a competition.

Hopefully you'll find the subject matter of interest and be able to showcase your talents and discover new followers, who knows?

Competition Rules

  • Each artist that is interested in taking part will submit one or more posts with a single depiction of an Argantuan.

Description -
An Argantuan is between twenty and thirty feet tall, with blue skin, covered in plates of ash white bone and spikes. The main spike, more like a horn, protrudes upwards from between the eyes and forehead. They are humanoid in appearance and loosely resemble a Rhinoceros,. The plates do not interlock.

They have thick black hair that sweeps over their head like a mohawk, down their necks, across the shoulders and down their back in a v-shape.

They carry white bone weapons that are pieces of their ancestor's skeleton, fashioned into hand-held weapons that live long after the Argantuan that grew the bone is dead. The weapons are a mixture of ash-white and blue. The blue comes from a gift of blood from the Argantuan Smith that grinds and shapes the bone into weapons.

  • You certainly don't need a weapon in the piece, but they sort of go hand in hand with the Argantuan.

  • The post must be tagged with #voidart-argantuan

  • Feel free to write a short summary of your work.

  • The winner will be the post with the most votes. If there is a tie, it will be the post with the most SD.

  • The count will be taken at 13:30 UK TIME on the 16th of September.

  • The winning artwork will feature in the next post I make in the series.


The winner will receive all SD from this post and half of the SD value of the post in which it is featured as part of the series. If the total from this post and the feature post is less than $50, I will power down a bit and make up the rest. Hopefully it will be more but who knows. I hope that's enough of a reward. You may also get more followers for your other work.

If anyone knows an artist personally and thinks they may be interested, please let them know about the competition. Please let me know if you spot anything unfair or problematic with the competition and I will do everything I can to rectify it.

If this is successful, there will hopefully be a competition for every major character, landscapes of planets, objects, important scenes and anything else we can think of ;)) So perhaps a regular source of income if I can keep the story going!

Thank your for you attention!

Happy Steeming.

If you'd like to read up, here are links to the first and latest post....

Please click here if you would like to read Post 1, the beginning of the story

Please click here if you would like to read the latest post

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